Amitabh may have given many hits before 90s but I was born in late 80s and began to understand movies in 90s.... so her is some work of Amitabh in 90s and above which was really gud and suited him...:)
AKS: hummm.. many people think why this movie is amongst amitabhs best..i would say leave the entertainment quotion and watch the acting of both Amitabh and Manoj Bajpai wow amitabh was great in the movie..
SOORYAWANSHAM: people would slap me if I include this in amitabhs best...but trust me its a really good movie ....the reasons to flop this movie were the 1996 world cup around the same time...some south stars in the movie and really bad production value.
The role of the older Amitabh really suited him also the younger one didnt look younger but really touched my heart...this movie helps you understand the respect value for your elders. excellent performance from amitabh.... it might no be the best of amitabh but you will never be bore watching this movie just baring one or two songs in it..;)
AANKHEN: a sleek new generation movie ...with a mute amitabh..........what the hell a mute amitabh.??..yes beleive me amitabh in this movie hasnt spoke for atleat half of the movie ...he speaks with his expression.the whole movie was very intersting and amtiabh again gave a bravo top notch performance.
WAQT:RACE AGAINST TIME: nothing different in the movie...same old story but the way amitabh enacted his part brings tears to your eyes...just look at his expressinos at the end or when he removes akshay out of his house...a real father is shown in the film ....again this created a sense of respect for a father.
5.DEEWAR: LETS BRING OUR HEROS HOME: this is another movie which is a must watch for amitabhs fans..cannot miss this. the movie is so griping and enagging jjust need to forward the amirta rao part..:). I will not comment in this ...may be people who have watched this can tell me about it ...i loved it all the way...believe mee you need to see amitabh in it.
- VIRUDHH: yes I am talking about the same movie staring sharmila tagore and john abraham....amitabh as a middle class common man...... hey many will think that doesnt suit his charisma...but he played the part with such elegance that you are bound to bleeive tha t what is the life of comman man....the scene when he shoots the culprit and then goes to his wife and cries what a performance.....really good.
7.EK AJNABEE: amitabh a bodygaurd of small child...yukkk the idea sucks....hey but again amiabh gives a noteworthy performance and he adjusts very well to the modren times which all the superstars of his era had failed...he looks very dashing in those james bond look he looks cool gives a splendid performance.
- BLACK: the list of amitabhs top notch acting is incomplete without Black. hey there are many revies which has black as their part so will not write on it ;)
9.SARKAR: a bal thakracy one but amitabh was the only one who could have done justice to this role...and he did exactly the same...bravo perforamnce here also most of his work is through those expression. just a delight to watch.
- CHEENI KUM: most of the chefs in india would have enjoyed this amitabh performance...not only chefs but the entire india enjoyed it... a good comedy act from amitabh... he was not good at comedy in BMCM or the badly made hum kisise kum nahi, , , but this act in cheeni kum reminde us the amitabh of saate pe saata and amar akbar antohny...Other notewardy perofrmance was in KAANTE. HeyI already told you that its a wired amitabh list...but beleive me these are all good movies do watch them...:)