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Member Since:May 22, 2009
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Deserved some more attention
Reviewed Five Best Hindi Comedy Movies
The list of comedy movies which I am going to discuss may not click to you as the best. But believe me this list below are the movies which should have got aRead more...
Tera yakin kyun maine kiya nahi
Reviewed Awarapan
Did you saw the title of my review? it says "tera yakin kyun maine kiya nahi". same was my situation when I watch AWARAPAN. at the time of release my friendRead more...
These are not worst , these are horribly worst
Reviewed Five Worst Bollywood Films of 2000
I have read and written lots of reviews on mouthshut and I love reaading the best and worst movies review… The review which I am writing now should have one mRead more...
Stars which disappeared
Reviewed Five Worst Actors of Bollywood Movies
I am back wtih another 90s review.. this is actually about some of the stars who got a gold chance of working in bollywood, Also got a great start but Read more...
Arey inne kisi angrezi picture ka hero dikhra!!!!
Reviewed The Angrez
The Angrez..is one of those movies which cannot be forgotten once you see it... Beleive me it has abosoluty nothing in the story lien but its so enjoyble thaRead more...
Phir mile sur....not bad but not good either
Reviewed Tips on Celebrities in Television Commercials
Phir mile sur….good but could have been better. Mile sur mera tumhara…an epic song that was created around 23 years back almost became a national anthem thatRead more...
Rab ne bana diye bollywood jodi's......90's....:)
Reviewed Top Ten Bollywood Pairs
That was the best period in my life.:) Ok starting with the pairs. This is random paring not in any order. Only the jodi at the last is the best jodi and noRead more...
Best choreography....from the 90's
Reviewed Ten Best Choreographed Songs of Bollywood
Many of you would think that how can you have good choreograpies from the 90s era which gave us many medicore movie...and also some medicore dancenig frRead more...
SRK ka panch best...bahut difficut hain
Reviewed Five Best Movies of Shah Rukh Khan
My god its dam difficut to choose shshrukhs best five.. He has a long list of good performances...below of 5 of them. May be I ca n miss many of them. KABHI Read more...
Amitabh's best after 90's...with difference
Reviewed Ten Best Movies of Amitabh Bachchan
Yeh Mera India -- A Cult Classic
Reviewed Yeh Mera India
Lets get straight to the point. YMI is just not another stupid kind of movie which will be a super hit like GOLMAAL RETURNS..which really sucked all the way..Read more...
Reviewed Veergati
Please comment and let me know the faults. ok commnig to the point ...by far I think veergati is those one of the selected movie in which salman khan is at hiRead more...
5 worst of 5 best today
Reviewed Ten Worst Movie of Bollywood
This is the first time I am submiting any review of movies. There are many actor actors/ ress in bollywood but few make it to the top. But to get it to the toRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on jc666's review
i loved roop ki rani......one thing they should have done is remove some songs.....just too many songs in it...sridevi was top notch in it.
Commented on RAGHUBHAI's review
aatish's problem was atul agnihotri and karishma kapoor refugee was boring to the core but had great songs.......rest were superb movies
Commented on crucisis's review
chalo somebody likes aar ya paar other than me....i think jackie shroff was exceptional in this movie
Commented on own review
@maaz_Nawaz...thanks @Ajeet15 akshay kumar deserves it
thank you all for your comments
Commented on baua2005's review
144199 times read.....wow
Commented on suyog's review
first and last movie was just a luagh riot....amazing ability to write review...all your review are excellent...jsut one suggestion...keep it a bit short ..your reviews are awesome but are toll lengthy to read..
hey ''saucap'' i think you need to watch the movies once again... it is much better then the craps which we see currently.... spcial mentions for craps are akshay kumar movies and the shetty car bonanazas in the golmaal series...seriously i hated all the 3 golmaals...first one was still the most Read More...
Commented on vidhig's review
hey dude...pleae i beg you to cast me in that particular movie...i am ready to do any guys role..but i tihkn cyrus and johns role will suit me well... i liked mehul a lot too...he was very cute..:)
Commented on Pahi's review
i was blessed by god to be a school and college boy in 90's... everything was so good... today when i surf the channel everywher i find saas and bahu abosolutetly nothing different, or some crappy reality shows... 90 gave us some best tv serials: hip hip hurray was afcourse the best.... my o Read More...
Commented on Alazne's review
Guddu:raeally bad chioce by SRK Ram jaane: raam jaane why was this movie was made ....was it before DDLJ or after?? ODYHI: oh darling this is really INDIA where this kind of crappers are still made. JOSH: i enjoyed it and thought SRK was pretty good in it. Koyla: i tihkn it shoul Read More...
oops you both are right...i got it wrong.... iwill change it but anyways noth are now out of the industry :) thanks for helping
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