Aapko Pehle Bhi Kahin Dekha Hai - This was just a plain awful movie. I thought it might be somewhat funny, but not even one bit! Not even Om Puri brang anything to the film that made it worth watching. Anyhow, my parents were watching it and I was slipping in and out, since the movie had no plot and made no sense. Garbage!
Dil Ka Rishta - I think people were too hard on this movie. I actually thought it was entertaining, and Aishwarya and Arjun, not to mention Rakhee and Paresh Rawal, did a good job. There was comedy, some romance, some interesting twists here and there which made the movie worthwhile. Entertaining
Khushi - Not horrible, and not really great either, but you could be able to sit through this with a remote without going nuts. I hate Kareena and Fardeen, as usual, seems drugged-up or drunk (And probably is) so they are not the main aspects to watch. I would hardly classify it was romantic in any sense, but there was some great humor (Amrish Puri visiting the school) and some interesting storyline pieces. I actually found the ten-minute screaming match in the middle of the movie amusing. Decent
Love At Times Square - Ha ha ha ha ha! This is like a parody of film-making. My god, you can not even imagine how senile or insane a person must be to put out a film like this. It is like an embarassment to any filmmaker anywhere. Half of the film is Dev Anand delivering these moralistic speeches, not to mention a recreation of September 11th and Times Square (They splice in scenes from New Years Eve videos and their own set, it is almost scary), heck I dont even know if they went to America at all! The twists in the plot are so unbelievable, like a man with no qualifications from India getting a six-figure job under Dev Anands character as his assistant or whatever, just because, and some third-rate actors, and my god...Only to watch if you want to be amazed by how ridiculous a film can be
Kash Aap Hamare Hote - Second only to Love at Times Square for being ridiculous. The stars are so unappealing and mismatched, and the plot is so incredibly ridiculous, that you just want to throw up your hands and go Why??? Ridiculous, unbelievably crass garbage
Bas Yun Hi - I usually like offbeat movies, but I was bored out of my mind during this one. Not particularly entertaining, not particularly romantic or funny or dramatic or deep or whatever. It was just like two hours of watching nothing happen, and trying to figure out what the point of it all is. Arthouse? No! Try, umm....boring
Ishq Vishk - Ugh! A teen romantic comedy about exploring sex and relationships and whatever. The main star (Whoever he was) is a bad Shahrukh wannabe, Shenaz is as plastic as they come and the other actress was quite good. The storyline is about a guy who wants to date a girl who can further his reputation, which happens to be one of the two stars who loves him and has loved him, but when she refuses to put out for him, he dumps her and trashes her and finds himself a girl who can further his reputation, until he realizes that she is a complete psycho with no personality (Or brain, for that matter). It is somewhat cute, but Popcorn flick which might be suitable when you are running low on options
Andaaz - Even a Miss Universe and a Miss World could not stop be from fast-forwarding through most of this Garbage
Jism - A modern flick about sex, lies, murder, deceit, etc. etc. was actually quite interesting. Some people claimed it was softcore porn, but I actually liked the fact it was open about some realities most Indian directors like to cover up to avoid controversy. Entertaining
Freaky Chakra - Now talk about offbeat! I loved this movie...it is another arthouse type of film, but this one was actually interesting, thought-provoking and made you want to continually watch and wonder throughout the whole thing...definitely worth a watch if you like different. Thumbs Up
Koi Hai... - I posted the review right here...a somewhat offbeat project which was just a headache to watch. Take a whole bottle of Aspirin when downing this movie. Oof!