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Member Since:Jun 18, 2003
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About Me
Education: college graduate
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It's just okay. Nothing special.
Reviewed Sssshhh
Pavan Kaul’s Sssshhh is largely inspired by Hollywood films like Wes Craven’s Scream (1996) with a little bit of I know what you did Last Summer (Read more...
2003 so far
Reviewed Ten Worst Hindi Movies
Aapko Pehle Bhi Kahin Dekha Hai - This was just a plain awful movie. I thought it might be somewhat funny, but not even one bit! Not even Om Puri brang anythiRead more...
Sexy girls. Bad Plot.
Reviewed Andaaz - New
ANDAAZ is an early 90s love triangle with a twist. Akshay Kumar plays Raj, a college student (A 37 year-old playing a 19 year-old...maybe Amitabh wouldRead more...
This is a review for the movie 'Koi Hai' (2003)
Reviewed Koi Hai
There is no review for this new movie so I just decided to put it in Koi Mil Gaya section but this is really a review of Koi Hai. Koi Hai features Miss India Read more...
Leela is a beautiful movie
Reviewed Leela
Leela, the latest addition to the NRI film collection, was written by Somnath Sen and beats to the death the theme of Second-generation Indians facing culturaRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Sonal: It is not really a worst list per se, more like a list in general. Mouthshut doesn't allow for a top 10 summary of 2003 films so I just went ahead and penned one. Juliana: I thought you put me on your pity list? Yes, I'm very well aware that Jism was a remake of Double Indemnity and Body Read More...
Commented on tinakapoor's review
I saw this a couple of times and like the show very much. You have written a very well rounded review of it. By the way, the girl who plays Kavita I don't like. Too bad because we share the same name. lol! All the best, Kavita
Rated on tinakapoor's review
Rated on mouthshutdotcom's review
Tina: Hi! Ya, I was just summarizing my list for 2003 so far and this is what I came up with. Thanks so much for the compliments. Muneeb: Hi there! Jism was good at parts but I think maybe it shows too much skin. Ishq Vishk was good in some parts but not all. Thanks so much for your kind words. Read More...
Followed manishrvce , smartgirl , suyog , cpearl
Rated on rekh's review
Rated on astrozombies138's review
Rated on smartgirl's review
Rated on suyog's review
Rated on cpearl's review
Commented on okornakov's review
Juliana, why are you blaming Tina for this when you are the one who started the fire? As if you want to pick an argument with someone? It is clearly evident that you can't handle the medicine you give out. You call Tina immature and say she is jealous so that makes you a name caller, not her. All sh Read More...
Rated on okornakov's review
Rated on jaimohan's review
Followed jaimohan , Raj76 , tinakapoor , Koshish , mouthshutdotcom
I enjoyed reading your list. I have a very eclectic taste in movies, too. I'm a recent fan of Monica Belucci from Matrix Reloaded. Thanks for informing us about Malena. I will be sure to watch that one. Kavita
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