Perhaps never has a movie been surrounded by so much intrigue and rumour than the Blair Witch Porject. No one seemed to know whether it was really a documentary uncovered in the woods of three missing students as the producers stated or simply a clever piece of marketing. Opinions were mixed and the acting in the movie seemed to compound that perhaps the former was indeed the truth. Sadly much of the intrigue seems to have dissipated now but even so and even with the production of the abysmal sequel the original still holds its impact.
Basically the plot revolves around a group of three students who go up into the woods around Burketsville to investigate the legend of the Blair Witch for a school project. whilst in the woods they become lost and then things start to happen which are distinctly out of the ordinary. This cycle escalates as they become more and more lost and more and more frantic and emotionally wrecked as they are tormented by a force in the woods...
Although many may not have liked it because there was no glossy Hollywood scenery and million dollar special effects, what this move actually did was assault you on a psychological level. The sheer terror of the students lost in the woods was an almost tangible force in the movie theatre and when the movie finished a complete air of silence reigned. How anyone could have failed to have been moved by this movie was completely beyond me and perhaps says more about them than this opinion is willing to voice.
Overall, go see this movie for yourselves. It is probably not around in the cinemas anymore although in the big cities some are still showing it occasionaly, so you will have to rent it, and although some of the impact is bound to be lost, it will still haunt your memories