Just completed (reading) this great book, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. I have been thoroughly thrilled. Full of twists and turns, so very exciting and yes so so very controversial. I think every one loves a conspiracy theory. However, I could have never imagined that something with a religious theme and that too about Christianity (as I am not a Christian myself) could have impressed me so much. The book is a page turner. Saturday I was awake reading it till 4 in the morning.
While reading the mystery, I found myself trying to break the code all through. And not just that throughout the reading of this great novel, I kept checking some the the facts on wikipedia (the free web-based encyclopedia). As I was reading about another religion, I found the whole experience very educating at the same time more so because I was checking things and facts, and to separate the fact from fiction made the whole experience even more exciting.
And Dan Brown has won another fan for him. His writing skill is so fluid. There was never an occasion when I felt that the plot was dragging. Dan surely is a very gifted writer, very intelligent.
The movie is also in the making right now (staring Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou). And sometimes in 2006 it is scheduled to be released. I doubt if the movie can be as brilliant as the book has been. If you havent read it, try it, you will love every bit of the read.
For those who are really enthusiastic about the book would like to check these out as well:
The Da Vinci Code wallpaper : https://danbrown.com/novels/davinci_code/wallpaper/da_vinci_code_wallpaper.jpg
The Da Vinci Code photo gallery: A word of caution though. The following photo gallery is intended for those who have already read the book. If you have not yet read the novel, viewing this gallery might spoil some of the books many surprises (as suggested by Dan Browns website). The photo gallery is here: