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Member Since:Dec 30, 2004
0 MS Points
A scientific researcher by profession (Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology). Love cars and mobikes. Love Linux. If interested in being a part of the Linux Movement, why not join SunnyLUG: www.geocities.com/sunnylug Check my webpage: www.geocities.com/bobkant. 1. Cars & Mobikes, 2. Music (Pop, Rock, Opera/Western Classical and Bollywood) 3. Linux -the best thing that can happen to any computer !
About Me
Education: M.Sc., Ph.D.
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Low-end yet very stylish with scope of improvemen
Reviewed Motorola MotoFone F3
I bought this phone from Futurebazaar.com (it is the online reseller of the India’s supermarket giant ‘Big Bazaar’). I got a great deal. The actual street pRead more...
Totally mesmerizing
Reviewed The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
Just completed (reading) this great book, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. I have been thoroughly thrilled. Full of twists and turns, so very exciting and yes Read more...
Time To Embrace Linux: Mandriva LE 2005
Reviewed Mandriva LE 2005 Linux
Time To Embrace Linux: Mandriva LE 2005 Linux has come a long way from being an operating system (OS) just for the geeks to a full-fledged Desktop OS. Linux Read more...
Sony CyberShot P93 : An amazing all-rounder
Reviewed Sony Cybershot DSCP93
Sony Cybershot P93: My Experience I have been using my Sony Cybershot P93 for more than 6 months now. And I am very much satisfied by its performance. Here aRead more...
Why Indigo?
Reviewed Tata Indigo - Petrol
Why Indigo? Cars have always been more than just automobiles to me. I feel each and every car has a distinct personality which is a complex mixture of look-nRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on Alakapuri's review
Commented on Alakapuri's review
Hi, I also have a 2005 Esteem Vxi. Its a great car. Virtually maintenance free. Gives me 15 KMPL in city driving conditions and around 19 KMPL on highway. Its a pleasure to drive. One suggestion, unlike Premier Padmani or any non MPFI vehicle, you should always remember one thing. When you start the Read More...
Commented on mirza_shaji's review
Well, I agree, coz I am driving an Esteem Vxi for last 4 years. Its a great car. However let me tell you that the car is out of production now. Maruti Suzuki has stopped manufacturing it. Swift DeZire has taken its place. Though you can always buy a second hand...
Rated on mirza_shaji's review
Rated on bhautiksheth's review
Rated on devilztym's review
Rated on fazal_99_99's review
Rated on mikebhat's review
Commented on mikebhat's review
I own the same vehicle, and feel that what is written here is not true.
Rated on chandramohanm's review
Commented on HOMS's review
Well Mr. Sharma, I don’t agree with you on several counts. I have been driving Esteem Vxi since september 2005. And I have not yet gone for a battery change. Yours must have had a specific problem probably. As for the pickup in the 4th gear, well, you never get it anyways. The forth gear is not mean Read More...
Rated on HOMS's review
Commented on tech-writer's review
Good and to-the-point review from a co-driver's perspective. And my wife will love it. Lot of people do want to hear this stuff for sure. Cheers !
Rated on tech-writer's review
Rated on shrishk's review
Rated on joeisfrank's review
Commented on nits_85's review
That's very well done. Lots of information that young acamedicians are looking for. And yes I will also support your view that people who want to go for heigher education should not shy away from applying for scholarships and fellowships. Opportunity is always waiting, its only a matter of findin Read More...
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Rated on vicky_vkw2002's review
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