Psst - This section contains some inside trivia about the film
Quotes - Good One Liners from the movie
Oops - Goofs from the movie
Director – Ron Howard
Screenplay – Akiva Goldsman and Dan Brown.
One of the most talked about and controversial movies to come out in recent times. When the Curator of The Louvre, Jacques Sauniere(Jean-Pierre Marielle) gets killed by a hard core follower of a staunch Opus-Dei follower Silas(Paul Bettany), the French Police summon Famous Harvard Symbologist, Robert Langdon(Tom Hanks) to the place. The reason being that Before dying, Jacques drew some various symbols and numbers which only Robert could decipher. He gets aided by Cryptologist, Sophie(Audrey Tautou). The symbols lead them from some of Da Vinci’s famous paintings like Mona Lisa and the Last Supper at the Louvre to a bank safe deposit vault to London and back to Paris. They also discover that Jacques was involved with the Priory of Sion – An actual secret society. Each Time revealing something new and something which could change the history of mankind and faith of the biggest religion on Earth forever. Although the movie does have some controversies attached to it regarding Christianity and the faith involved, it was definitely not worth all the hullabaloo attached to it before the actual release. People who have read the book and seen the movie have found the book to be more thrilling. Tom Hanks, although with a good performance, is a clear misfit. Audret Tautoi as Sophie and Jean Reno as Captain Fache are the only other people who have given commendable performances. Ron Howard’s direction is nothing like earlier movies A Beautiful Mind and Cinderella Man. Not exactly a disappointment if you see the movie without any expectations. My Suggestion, Read the book and then watch movie only if you are a Tom Hanks Fan. Reminds one of a similar genre movie - National Treasure.
Psst –
1) The Movie was extremely controversial right from the day the movie started production. Many countries, including India, didn’t want the movie to be released and even wanted the book to be banned for supposedly having the propaganda of blasphemy. The official world wide release was 19th May 2006. The movie, although passed by the censor board, was severely opposed by Several Christian Bodies in India and was released only a week later on the assurance that Sony Pictures would mention that the movie is a work of fiction before the start and at the end. Sony Pictures initially had hassled but then gave in.
2) As a part of a mock operation, a local Bombay Tabloid, Mid-Day, had 5 of its reporters dressed as Nuns and Priests and were sent to a local city theatre where the film was released to see the film. The people were stunned and one Catholic guy even asked The “Priest” whether he should watch the film or not. The Theatre Crew, not aware of the mock operation, were extremely co-operative and the local police even offered protection while watching the movie.
3) Joel Surnow, a renowned TV director(of the hit series 24), wanted to make the best selling novel in to an episode of the serial, and wanted the rights to the Book. Dan Brown didn’t want sell the rights to him but months later sold the rights to Sony pictures for a whopping fee of $6 million.
4) Kate Beckinsale and Sophie Marceau were considered for the role of Sophie. Howard Favorite Bill Paxton was considered for the role of Robert Langdon but he declined due to scheduling conflicts. Russel Crowe was nearly finalized till producer Brian Gazer decided on Tom Hanks. Others who were considered for the role were High Jackman, Ralph Fiennes and George Clooney.
5) When escaping from the police, Langdon and Neveu are seen driving past a poster for Les Miserables. Le Miserables is written by Victor Hugo, a supposed Master of the Priory of Sion.
6) To protect both the fabric of the building and the works of art it contains, the productions use of the Louvre Museum in Paris was carefully controlled. For instance, no equipment was allowed inside the Louvre during the opening hours, so filming took place at night. Since the crew were not permitted to shine light on the Mona Lisa, a replica was used to film instead. No blood or mysterious writings were permitted on the wooden floor of the museum so these scenes were shot at Pinewood Studios outside London.
7) The Book, The Da Vinci Code, has till date sold more than 40 million copies worldwide. With each Copy costing US Dollars 7.99, the publishers Doubleday, have since Grossed nearly $320 million in official sales. There was another book, Cracking the Da Vinci Code published.
8) The French Government were very strict for Shooting in the Louvre and granted permission to shoot only at nights, that too without any artificial lights to be shined on the Mona Lisa – Painting. For that, a mock painting had to be made. Also since the louver officials didn’t want any paint or fake blood on the floor, parts of the shooting took place in a studio in London.
9) The Movie was made in nearly 6 months with a budget of US $125 Million. It Grossed $77 million in the first week of relase.
10) The Opus-Dei and Priory of Sion are actual societies. Both have condemned the movie and the Book on not representing facts. Painter Leonardo Da Vinci, Author Victor Hugo, Scientists Robert Boyle and Issac Newton were members of the Sion. When Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou are in a double decker bus, it has an advertisement of the play Les Miserables written by Victor Hugo.
11) Opus-Dei in Latin means The Work of God
1) “What really matters is what you believe.”
2) “And this is from the gospel of Mary Magdalene herself; She wrote a gospel? She may have; Robert, will you fight fair? She may have.”
3) “The ancient male symbol was the blade, its a basic phallus. Its still used today on military uniforms; Yes, and the more penises you have, the higher your rank. Boys will be boys.”
4) “Why is it divine or human? Cant human be divine?”
Oops –
Didn’t notice any.
PS – I would like to thank, and Mid Day for all the inputs towards the trivia of the movie.