I would like to warn all of the viewers & readers of the Da Vinci Code that even though it claims many historical evidences, still it is not more then a fictitious novel and not proven fact. I admit that Dan Brown is a brillian mind when he has crafted the thing so beautifully & intellectually but at the same time he must be knowing much deep within himself that what he has done is simply a fiction and not the truth.
When He claims that the things like marriage of Jesus is suppressed by the Church authorities then he is telling that only on the base of his own imaginations and very fragile so called evidences of some of the texts and the ancient literature what he belives to be true not all the scholars, then my question is that if he can trust few ancient scrolls to be true wihtout any obvious evidence then what is the problem to him to trust Bible scrolls and writings to be true. Doesnt it seem that his own arguments and craftwork on the basis of which he is trying to prove his point, that vary arguments is sufficient enough to disprove his point?
So, I dont mind if you enjoy this great novel (crafted/imaginary) but at the same time dont believe its message unless & until you have enough knowledge to say Yes to it.
Specially Christian world I would give message that do watch this movie and you will find hundreds of loopholes by which you will be able to defend its deception. And other thing is dont worry at all that it would make any harm to authenticity of the Bible or Christianity, No weapon crafted againt it will prevail is the unchanging words of the Lord. Trust it and proclaim that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
Congrats Dan Brown for his artwork & intellectual but decline the devils plan working in him thro that intellectual..
Have a great time watching & scutinizing this movie & book.