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Member Since:May 04, 2006
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Santro Xing the best car and my best choice too
Reviewed Hyundai Santro Xing eRLX
I bought Santro Xing XL in September 2006. Simultaneously my 2 friends also purchased different cars, one chose Wagon R Lxi with LPG Kit and another one choseRead more...
Da Vinci Code movie - soon to be released
Reviewed The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
I have already posted my review on the Da Vinci Code movie which is to be released which I should have posted here first, Anyway I would request all respectedRead more...
Greatest deception
Reviewed The Da Vinci Code
I would like to warn all of the viewers & readers of the Da Vinci Code that even though it claims many historical evidences, still it is not more then a fictiRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on mchandra8's review
hi, I bought Xing eRlx XL in last Sep'2007. I have drove it so many times 110+ on highways and I never had any issues with controlling the car. I learned the driving on my car only after I bought it so its not that I am a very good driver. Also my experience says that to ake the car stop in urgency Read More...
Commented on swapnil.rahate's review
Swapnil, As far as mileage is concern, in the Mumbai city situation you should get not less then 14km/ltr with AC. On highway you should get atleast between 15-17km/ltr. Let me know your experience once you own your car. Wish you all the best Sherebiah
Commented on own review
Rahul, how much you paid for your recent deal of Sanro XL?
Hi Rahul Initially it gave me 11.5 Km/Ltr with AC but now it is almost around 14km/Ltr wihtout AC and with AC 13km/ltr. But my car hasnt run a lot still I drove it for 2200 kms. Let me know about your milage train too. Thanks
Followed amrita
These parchments are completely bogus. Historically, in 1953, a Frenchman named Pierre Plantard spent time in jail for fraud. In 1954 he founded a small social club named the Priory of Sion. The purpose of the club was to call for low–income housing in France. The organization dissolved in 195 Read More...
If you are talking abou the marriage of Jesus then I would like you to read this review carefully and then conclude something. There are things Brown claims to be historical which, in fact, are not historical at all. A primary case in point is the Priory of Sion, an organization that is at the ve Read More...
Rated on thapasan's review
Commented on thapasan's review
You seem to be very much biased dear friend. I agree with mbfarookh that you seem to be offtrack the main subject. Also I would not miss to tell you that to end Christianity is a very distant dream. History is the proof that so many have made endless efforts to do the same onlt to know that the Read More...
I call it deception and will continue to do so because the writer himself knows that he has written the fiction and still the hidden idea behind propogating the book/movie is to challenge the some of the fundamental truth of Christianity. If you put Christianity aside then also whatever evidences he Read More...
Commented on CurtParton's review
If writer does not need our permission to mix the fiction with the facts then I think reviewer also does not need PROFESSORS permission to write such a scholarly review on this deliberate balsphemy. What Curl has wrote demands equal honor for her research effort behind this few line review. I agree Read More...
You did just what is needed. Your reseach in depth calls for louder applaud. Do keep this on. I am really very much impressed by this excellent, intellectual argument back to back.
Followed CurtParton
Rated on CurtParton's review
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