Saw the movie and read the book (not in that order)
First of all I should say, I liked the movie, because it has followed the book, word to word and page to page.
The acting is good and so are the locations.
I don’t think there was anything in it for some states in India to ban it. (it’s the work of some vested people for popularity/votes)
Now I hear that Pakistan too has banned it.
The church is not asking for a ban, then why do a handful of people claim that they are the safeguard keepers of Christianity.
If one has strong belief in their faith, then a fictional story should not shake his/her faith.
On the contrary, give credit to Dan Brown for weaving a story around some facts and the painting of the last supper.
There was a programme on National Geography channel, in which they have discussed quite a few facts which did happen two thousand years ago. It is left for the viewers to decide what is fact and what could be fiction. (even History can be twisted at times)
One last word, Tom Hanks has done full justice to the role. He is one actor who can get under the skin of the role. Some of his movies like “Cast away” “Catch me if you can” “Forest Gump” are worth watching.
Jean Reno as the Captain of the French Police has done justice to the role, and so has the Albino (Paul Bettany)
When I watch a movie, I observe the finer points so one gets to see how a Swiss bank vault works as well as how they design a plane whose passenger is a cripple.