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Member Since:Sep 05, 2004
0 MS Points
An Aquarian at heart (that expalins the sulkiness, moodiness etc) I enjoy funny, intelligent people who are still in touch with their inner child. I enjoy chatting or writing emails. I am also a good listener if you need a shoulder or just someone to listen. Am nonjudgemental and love to laugh and make others laugh.... I like general topics and keep myself away from fanatics and hysterics. A down to earth person who has witnessed much in life to date and do not wish to witness any more of life's heavy handouts. Wishing all , the very best that life can offer, we are only passing thru this life, make the most of it! Always share your happiness, a kind word or gentle smile will cost you very little, just a little bit of effort. So give it a go! I did!. Volleyball, Basketball, Playing the Guitar, Photography, observing people.
About Me
Education: technical
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See it if you have read the book
Reviewed The Da Vinci Code
Saw the movie and read the book (not in that order) First of all I should say, I liked the movie, because it has followed the book, word to word and page to Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
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Commented on indian1969's review
Tom Hanks is one actor who gets under the skin of the character. Liked him best in 'Cast Away' 'Forrest Gump' and 'Catch me if you can' He did not have much to do in Da Vinchi Code'
Rated on shefalisweetness's review
Commented on evil_beauty's review
There is no need to ban any channel. The people themselves will switch off the channel if they find it obscene. Self scensor is the best scensor.
Followed evil_beauty
Commented on robincook911's review
Saw the movie and its nothing compared to the original Hera Pheri. The only saving grace is Paresh Rawal and Yadav.
Commented on PulomaDas's review
Saw this long ago and felt that it was a well made film (when compared to Exorcist which was released during the same time) The photographer was keen to crack the case as he accidentally clicked himself (in the mirror) and found that he was next in line to die. Any way keep posting as its good to Read More...
Commented on dino_lawki's review
Saw Ice Age, then Ice Age-2 and now waiting for the third part !!
Commented on muktipratima's review
I remember seeing this movie in Regal (Bombay) when it was first released way back in 1965 or so and what a movie. Have it in my collection of CDs and its worth watching again and again for its acting, choreography and MUSIC. A must see for those who have never seen it. I believe the kids who acte Read More...
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