This is a must see. I watched this movie at 1230 am on a Saturday night in NYC , only to see clock showing 300am at the end of the movie.The lead actors give stunningly entertaining performances, and I become engulfed with so many perspectives and dilemmas.I sat through 2 and half hours of brilliant and especially entertaining storytelling.
This movie revolves around a rivalry between the Massachusetts state police force and an Irish-American gang. An old gangster decides to infiltrate the police force while a young police officer with a shady family history is chosen to infiltrate the gang. Scorsese really grabs hold of a great story and brings it in the best possible way to the American Screen.The one great aspect of The Departed was watching a cast full of heavyweights transform into authentic characters within a matter of moments.with the likes of - Lenordio DiCap, Matt Daemon, Jack Nichoson, Mark Wahlberg, Mart. Sheen , Alec Baldwin.
The Nicholson Factor: Jack Nicholson looks like can never loose his touch , and as always at his very best. His dialog delivery in this role is unmatchable. Specially the rat face experssion he makes in the movie is something to watch for.It actually made me think that I am watching Frank Costello and not bigger than life Jack Nicholson.
Dicaprio gets his best role after The Aviator and he really does very well with this opportunity. My respect for the actor has grown largely. DiCaprios discomfort with the worlds worst undercover assignment was seen in the bold, brash scenes like the "feed me to the poor" rant in the back of the Martin Sheens car, but even more so in his seen-but-never-discussed dependence on Oxycontin. The characters story arch visually ended in the most visceral and dramatic fashion possible, yet the ultimate conclusion of DiCaprios Billy Cositgan came in the quietest moment - when he ultimately regained his name and his honor in the form of a police burial.
Matt Damon easily transformed into a sneaky and guilt-ridden corrupt trooper Colin Sullivan.
Some quotes from the memory makes me laugh , as I recall them writing this review:
"Who am I? Im the guy that does his fuckin job.. You must be the other guy" -
"You have an immaculate record. Some guys dont trust an immaculate record. I do. I have an immaculate record."
There is lot of strong use of abusive and pervasive language, so one need to watch out if going to see this with family or kids. But by first 15 minutes you get so use to it that it no more matters to you.
I will strongly recommend this movie.The Departed is a movie with no visible flaws