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Member Since:Mar 08, 2004
0 MS Points
Working with an MNC. I have been mouthshut member for about an year now , but lately have started finding its product reviews very valuable. I look forward to make some good friends here and get to know and share some imprtant information about various products. Travelling, especially when I get to explore some new places .. a lone traveller mostly.. besides dont miss any opportunity to play cricket and soccer. And a passionately into movies ..
About Me
Education: BE
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Two men undercover at opposite sides of law.
Reviewed The Departed Movie
This is a must see. I watched this movie at 1230 am on a Saturday night in NYC , only to see clock showing 300am at the end of the movie.The lead actors give Read more...
Syracuse - Snow City
Reviewed Syracuse
Well now I have lived in this place for more than a year now .Syracuse really is a small University town , techncially Central NY but I find this by all meansRead more...
Las vegas - Entertainment capital
Reviewed Las Vegas
Las Vegas,also called Sin City for some special reasons, The Entertainment Capital of the World, Americas Playground -- call it what you want, but one Read more...
Sehar - Must watch
Reviewed Sehar
Saturday evening , I did not really wanted to struggle for a ticket at a movie hall so decided to watch movie at home. The visit to Video library bring me to Read more...
Overall a Good experience
Reviewed PVR: MGF Mall - MG Road - Gurgaon
Though I do not have any recent experiences watching movie at Gurgaon, but at least a year back when I was living just next to the Metropolitan mall I was verRead more...
Good worth for money
Reviewed Honda City ZX Exi
I am writing any product review on this site for the first time hence might not cover all the parameters here, but the review is based on my own experience ofRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on ninadnaik's review
Seeing these comments after a long time here and realised that you feel too strongly about Baleno edge over Honda. For me Baleno's test ride was not at all appealing ..Though intentions here were not to convince anybody for Baleno's comfort but share my own experiences and needs to be taken with t Read More...
Rated on ninadnaik's review
Commented on own review
Well this does make sense .. I wonder why this did not occur to me earlier.
Rated on santanughosh.in's review
Well I was thinking the same but somehow not very convinced myself ..
Rated on milinddesai's review
Commented on praveen16's review
I am already driving a Honda City .. about 3 years now and has given me a mileage of atleast 14 kmpl .. but something like 9 is not acceptable from honda.
Rated on praveen16's review
Commented on moviezombie's review
I have not seen it yet but your review does make me feel that I can watch it once .. Well its not running at too many places here ..
Rated on moviezombie's review
Wahlberg's dialogues on various occasions does make you laugh .. The more I think about what really earns this a name Departed?
Thats really very well written with all the good details ot there.. Its good to see Scorsese getting the best of Dicap
Rated on krazy4sonu's review
I think you simply prefer the likes of Baleno and find it better for all diff reasons .. I think after all this its one personal choice .. I have been driving new Honda for 2 yrs now and seen the best of the cars follwing the styles of Honda for so called better balance at high speeds .. whether its Read More...
Rated on skmm's review
Rated on debanish's review
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