Alright alright before eco times lovers sharpen their knives for me first hear me out. I know that it is the most widely read business newspaper in india. it has the largest readership, etc. however, it has gone down in quality big time. they do not care about grammar anymore. there are glaring spelling and grammar mistakes on Page 1 so often that you wonder whether the editor is really existent or not. and they seem to be completely hung up on advertisements. they would do anything to put an extra ad into the paper. so many stories appear to be so badly edited at times that u wish why are u even bothering to read this paper.
Economic Times is not realising the fact that its quality has drastically gone down the last few years and if they know that then they dont care too much for the readers. they believe that whatever trash they dish out will be consumed by the readers. unfortunately, the numbers also justify their thinking. they also forget that they are not an entertainment or general newspaper. they are a business paper. at times they behave more like tabloids than a serious newspaper. hindu business line is miles ahead of them and is by far the best business paper in india. not the Economic Times. but then who is listening!!