I really didnt intend to see this movie, it was this films teaser and media reviews that made me gullible and provoked me to venture into this fiasco.
The four star rating that I have provided is purely meant for all the laughter that I had with my friends in the theater. Like the famous saying goes “If you cut your finger with a blade, it’s a tragedy. In case you fall into a sewage and die, it’s a comedy.”
The-Film is a tragical comedy. Every time you think that the film can’t get worse, the director proves you are wrong in the very next frame.
The so called story is about five friends struggling to make it big in bollywood and they end up making a phony call posing as gangsters to swindle money from a diamond merchant. Then the laughter begins – each of the member gets killed in the funniest way and in the end plot is revealed as a surprise package for viewers. Be careful - the surprise ending can be injurious to your health; my stomach started aching after the incessant laughter for many minutes.
The only good thing about this film are its songs. They are more than hummable. Vivek Madan is another factor to induce a thought on a probability of this bunch of images being called as a cinema.
Phew – this review is already longer than it deserves. I need to end.
To conclude - the director, Junaid Memon needs to be applauded for making a film for all the aspiring directors to learn from. This movie is a perfect example on how not to make a film.
This movie can easily win the best worst movie of the year award.
Watch and laugh!!