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Member Since:Nov 03, 2005
0 MS Points
Simple. Second world war, Dinosaurs, Egyptian Civilization, Ram Gopal Verma, David Fincher, A.R.Rahman, Enya, Michael Crichton, Chuck Palahnuik, R.K.Narayan
About Me
Education: MCM
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Monster Of a Movie
Reviewed King Kong (New)
It was Saturday evening and as I was driving to watch King Kong; there were erratic flashes of huge mountains, big castles, Orcs and Gollum from LOTR running Read more...
A realistic horror film
Reviewed The Exorcism of Emily Rose
Exorcism of Emily Rose is based on the real life events of Anneliese Michel who in early 1970’s had to undergo immense ordeal due to her disturbing and Read more...
My letter to Anne Frank
Reviewed Diary of a Young Girl, The - Anne Frank
Exuberant and sweet innocence flowing out of her little eyes, the smile which was lively enough to awaken the dead – who would have ever dreamt that thiRead more...
Pathetically Laughable
Reviewed The Film
I really didnt intend to see this movie, it was this films teaser and media reviews that made me gullible and provoked me to venture into this fiaRead more...
A surprise package
Reviewed Ek Khiladi Ek Hasina
It has been ages since I saw a movie without looking at my watch. Even the exceptionally good movies over the last few years have had moments that held the clRead more...
Cocktail Entertainment
Reviewed Garam Masala
This film can be nominated for the best ‘mixed review movie of the year’. Before I go into the particulars, let me highlight few trends that coulRead more...
Good weekend read !
Reviewed One Night at the Call Centre - Chetan Bhagat
Am from Pune and am working as an Operations Manager in a call center here. I just completed One night @ the call center book last niRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on superz's review
That was a good review. For the question you had asked; the music is lifted from the OST 'Requiem for a dream'. Its performed by Kronos Quartet and the track title is 'Summer Overture'. Hope this helps. Alvin
Rated on abhilashvinayak's review
Rated on sharath40's review
Commented on sharath40's review
That was an amazing review. I was pondering whether to see this movie. Now ive decided to skip. Instead am going to watch 'A clockwork orange' on DVD. Thanks for the cool review.
Rated on allytude's review
Commented on dino_lawki's review
Amazing review. I was actually about to watch the movie; now i've changed my mind and decided to watch 'Takeshi's Castle' in Pogo. Thanks for saving my weekend dude. Btw...I loved yr sarcastic style of writing. Keep up the good work.
Rated on dino_lawki's review
Rated on antipopsuperstar's review
Rated on mits79's review
Rated on moviezombie's review
Rated on artsed's review
Rated on sourray's review
Commented on own review
AM sure u found the movie interesting if not scary. Try watching 'Shining' or 'Hostel'. You may find it scary. Alvin
Thanks for the comment ! Am sure u enjoyed the movie with yr friends. It sure was scary at times. Alvin
Rated on Paulsb02's review
Rated on joker010's review
Rated on Required_92's review
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