This was a good film by bollywood standards. There was no vulgarity and women were shown as intelligent humans and not mere sex machines as is the case with most of the bollywood movies. This was a very good film except for Sunny Deol. Sunny Deol has this larger than life image and in order to live up to it the entire film was spoiled.
There is just a thin line between James Bond/Arnold Swartznaeger fantasy films and comical absurdity. I think the director crosses the line in order to satisfy Sunny Deols larger than life image. Also there is a difference between a Bruce Lee defeating 5 people in a fight at the same time and a Sunny Deol beating up a guy twice his size.
Other than repeated irritation of Sunny Deol playing God, the rest of the film was very good. Both the heroines put up a good performance. Priyanka Chopra was very refreshing and looked ravishing in some outfits. Priety Zinta looked too Urban to play the role of a Kashmiri Village girl. She should have worked harder to bring out that innocence of a Village girl.
The actions sequences were incredible(except for Sunny Deol making it unbeleivable), the Pakistani jokes were enjoyable. the comedy was good, songs were a bit misplaced and never glued in. I think they could have done away with the songs. The love sequences had no emotions, even though Priyanka looked good in her very short romantic role with Sunny, and yet again Sunny failed to invoke any emotions in the audience.
It is worth a look if you are bored or have nothing to do.