I have been a regular reader of The Hindu for over a decade now. And during this time, it has gone from bad to worse. The only reason why I still read it is force of habit. (Bad habits take a lot of time to disappear:)!! ).
The communist anti-Hindu bias is very obvious now. N.Ram has even admitted it. So many websites (and reviewers in Mouthshut) have pointed out its numerous instances of biased reporting, that I need not elaborate on this.
I wonder why it is still called The Hindu when it is the mouthpiece of the communists. Why it is not being renamed as Pravda? The only sane writer in The Hindu is (was??) C. Raja Mohan. I think he has also left The Hindu as I recently saw his column in the Indian Express.
The Hindu on sunday is heavy and unbearable. I cant imagine anyone apart from JNU Political Science PH.D students reading that. Mr. Ram, wake up, we need atleast one good leisure article on Sunday!! (V. Gangadhars spice of life was good)
On the positive side, The Hindu s coverage of cricket remains good as ever. I guess The Hindu is the only newspaper which publishes an original crossword, Printing and Presentation (Paper quality, Fonts etc) are excellent.
Deccan Herald (Good news/views, Excellent Sunday edition, Okay presentation, Good Bangalore/Karnataka coverage).
Indian Express (Good news/views, Excellent Sunday edition, bad presentation)
Avoidable Alternative
- Times of India (Lot to write about - See Times of India reviews).