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Member Since:Nov 10, 2004
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Education: MCA
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Too many characters spoil a book
Reviewed Next - Michael Crichton
When I came to know of a forthcoming book by MC and that too about the new revolutionary technology of Genetics and Biotech, I was salivating. But in NEXT, unRead more...
Forsyth fans - Avoid ; First time readers - Rea
Reviewed Afghan, The - Frederick Forsyth
!!!!! SPOILERS AHEAD !!!!!!!!!! SPOILERS AHEAD !!!!!!!!!! SPOILERS AHEAD !!!!!I read Forsyths "The Devils Alternative" recently and reflected how Read more...
The Hindu - rename it to ''Pravda''
Reviewed The Hindu
I have been a regular reader of The Hindu for over a decade now. And during this time, it has gone from bad to worse. The only reason why I still read it is fRead more...
MahaLife-Gold - USELESS
Reviewed Tata AIG General Insurance
Very Vigourously marketed, this policy is utter rubbish. I have detailed calculations to show that PPF + term insurance will give you better survival returnsRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on Laser's review
Well written review. I am sure Purva Riviera will LOOK like as it was promised, but with these big builders the problem always lie inside the flat. Who will ever fix the drains, and plumbing, and electrical glitches ?? I can only wish you Good Luck for those.
Rated on Laser's review
Rated on madhavig's review
Commented on prshrivastava's review
I bought a Pension plan from Birla SunLife two years back and now I am ruing my decision. I was not aware of all these charges (and the agent did not inform me anything). I just went ahead and invested to beat the March 31st deadline without proper study. Even after two years of non-stop bull run Read More...
Rated on prshrivastava's review
Commented on assetmanager's review
Good Review!! I wish I had read this stuff before going in for Birla Sun Life ULIP (2 years back) :-). I hope somebody comes up with a consolidated charges or ULIPs across different companies. If there is any website which provides this, kindly let me know.
Commented on aw90006's review
In fact, none of the agents talk about ULIP charges, high as they are. I also got duped by Birla Sun Life's Flexi SecureLife Retirement Plan (Front loading - 20%). This was not told by the agent at all. Even in their website, the charges come up after so much page navigations !!!
Rated on Capt_Rajeev's review
Commented on joel_chandra's review
Citi always tries to go in for the younger people who are into their first jobs as their victims. Many young people in IT/BPO companies are asked to open their salary accounts on their first day and before they realise what they are signing into, they are pulled into Citibank's vicious, blood-suckin Read More...
Rated on joel_chandra's review
Rated on amit175's review
Your comment that HDFC was the first to introduce term insurance was an eye-opener. LIFE INSURANCE corporation did not have such a BASIC product, the real Insurance?? Thanks, assetmanager for this info.
Commented on vshaleen's review
Was amused to read your comments that The Hindu is NOT biased. Bias is like accent. You don't detect it in yourself or in persons like you. If your views are somewhat similar to whatever bull The Hindu writes then you won't find it biased.... or vice-versa. If you ask George Bush if he finds Fox New Read More...
Commented on victor0012's review
This is yet another instance of the wishy-washy stuff that TOI prints. It doesn't have the GUTS to have its own opinion also.
Rated on keerti_007's review
Commented on Justin_Blake's review
V.Gangadhar in 'The Hindu' was a class act. Jug Suraiya's columns are good, though his Dubyaman is boring and shows Jug's 'secular' bias. Shoba De is very trivial and hardly enjoyable. I like 'Swaminomics' (TOI - Sunday) and 'Media Pulse' (The Hindu - Sunday). Thomas Friedman of NY Read More...
Rated on Justin_Blake's review
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