Around this time, last year, my friend and I were waiting on a claustrphobic railway platform (dont remember which one) and we happened to look at a hoarding advertising the launching of the History Channel. What the hell is wrong with the cable guy? was a question we both voiced verbally at the same time.The local cable network did not offer us this channel for a good many months after that. When he decided to do, I dont remember, but what I do know....I LOVE THAT CHANNEL. Especially on days when slapstick comedies on Star World make me wanna cry Well, I right now, I hate Raymond! Especially when am stuck up I the house for two months waiting up for my bro to come back from work in the evenings before we can eat dinner.. Especially on Sundays, when TV channels wrongly and irritatingly assume that the entire world is out in some resort or the other and telecast Autum In New Yorkor some equally soppy movie for the umpteenth time in the week...especially, each time my hand reaches out for the remote while I plonk myself on the sofa.
The programme I would hate to miss (yeah...the reruns suit me absolutely fine too) is Lost and Found. I think it airs at 8 p.m. everyday and believe me, it is a to-die-for watch!The trivia that even exists!! Like the really adorable picture I got of Hitler today, on home videos shot by mistress dear. Hitler...actually carrying babies and joking and playing with little kids (with a very homely grin), or the real story on Schindlers List or a collectors item--a pair of well-worn Levis from the 1800s....the list goes on.
Well, im a self-confessed history buff...even love getting lost in the old, narrow gullies in South Mumbai and spending hours at the Asiatic Library. So, I can say with the utmost confidence, History Channel rocks!!!