I am a big fan of any fantasy, fiction, science fiction, horror, mystery etc films all my life.the unknown is fascinating me.i have seen thousands of films of this kind.some good, some bad, some interesting, some childish, some boring, some cruel, some excellent.but I notice that the inspiration is drying up already(with the exception ofsnow piercer which fascinated me for some reasons).t
The last years we see again and again, the same and the same scenario. a story beginning with a little mystery and ending with a big battle against the main evil character.we have seen all kind of evil so far.vampires, demons, werewoolves, ghosts, monsters, evil aliens, zombies, witches, dinosaurs, etc etc.i appreciate the effort of the producers to entertain us, but we now need a new kind of threat or fear or theme.lets say something about the matter of St John s revelation.or the matter of flat earth.or the matter of hollow earth.or the matter of several dimensions.
Or the matter of Cern .or a good adaption of arthur clark send of childhood.or the matter of nephelim below the surface in hades.or a good adaptation oflife after death by the book of Emmanuel Swedenborg. or a good adaptation of Enoh book of fallen angels.so many new things to handle.its time for the writers to adapt in these new challenges.no more vampires or zombies, its enough, OK! thank u for all your offering to our entertainment, but its time to go forward, the next step front.
It has plenty of action, good CGI(its not a surprise anymore, but its still worth mentioning). It does call for a lot of suspension of judgment, and the plot itself is not always very consistent, (id rate it higher if it was). The acting is all right, Vin does come out a bit wooden at moments, but as a rule hes a much better actor than hes given credit for - as long as he stays inside his comfort zone. The indestructible tough guy with a sensitive heart hidden inside. Bottom line, if you want an action fantasy comics, youll get it here. Dont look for anything else, you wont find it.