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Member Since:Oct 28, 2015
50 MS Points
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Reviewed Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension
As the story begins, we find yet another family in supernatural peril. And for awhile, I was actually enjoying the ride. With the addition of 3D helping to soRead more...
Just falls short of being the best
Reviewed Asus ZenFone 2 Laser
Pros Beautifully designed-Good battery life-Latest OS-Can handle high end games Cons Lags after installing 10-12 apps-Decent cameras but not as good as rivRead more...
Honest Review from a 2 months user
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 4G
I purchased Redmi Note 4G from Flipkart about 2 months ago. I have been using this phone as my secondry phone for 2 months. My primary phone is Xiaomi Mi4. I Read more...
Reviewed Yu Yuphoria
LOOKING GOOD IN A RETRO WAY-CYANOGEN OS TO THE RESCUE It looks good, and works rather well for a device this affordable. Then there’s the 64-bit chip and CyaRead more...
“reliable and safe”
Reviewed Amazon
When I buy anything on Amazon there is never an issue with it working or being as described. And if there is a problem returns are fast and easy. They will noRead more...
THE BEST Mid Range mobile
Reviewed Motorola Moto G (3rd Generation)
Motorola has made minor changes to the design in the front and a significant one behind. On the front, the thing that is different is that in the place of metRead more...
This was supposed to be a great movie, but
Reviewed Hitman: Agent 47
A sequel to an adaptation of a video game. To lovers of decent film everywhere this sentence is a linguistic klaxon that screams "Run fast, run far, do not tuRead more...
Top notch with fine performances by DeNiro and Ha
Reviewed The Intern
I hadnt heard much about this film, but I like Robert DeNiro(in his non-gangster roles) and I like Ann Hathaway. And, I hadnt been to a movie in aRead more...
The imagination is drying up...
Reviewed The Last Witch Hunter
I am a big fan of any fantasy, fiction, science fiction, horror, mystery etc films all my life.the unknown is fascinating me.i have seen thousands of films ofRead more...
A very good very Spielberg motion picture
Reviewed Bridge of Spies
This movie hit me really strangely. I was expecting a political drama about the cold war, and while indeed it was that, I was not expecting to have so much fRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on shreneeku's review
Its clear you just want 'Another Smartphone'. for the price 13k this is the best mobile which easily beats other brands like redmi, lenovo. though lenovo and redmi give with more features around 10k but they have lots of problems.
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