Margaret Cho is a comic Genius. I am going to use my review of this movie to refer people to her previous film, Im the one that I want which is funnier and more heartfelt. Margaret Cho built a career as a stand-up comedian by mocking her asian-american parents, defending her gay friends, and being emotionally and verbally abused by the television industry. Her recent comeback falls mostly on the ears of her gay and lesbian fans, although Margaret herself is not gay.
Chos unique brand of humor appeals to anyone who has had to face prejudice, ignorance, or denial. Her topics are such delicate matters as: racism, getting fisted by a lesbian midget, ass-masters, having your vagina washed by a woman named gwen, her dads first gay picnic, her chow-like-cho diet plan, and alcoholism. As brazenly whorish and foul as Margaret Cho can be, she is not without sentiment. Her routines always ring out with certain truths of life.