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Member Since:Jan 12, 2003
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Education: college
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Stick it in!
Reviewed The Notorious C.H.O.
Margaret Cho is a comic Genius. I am going to use my review of this movie to refer people to her previous film, Im the one that I wantRead more...
'Windy City' movie will blow you away
Reviewed Chicago
It is so refreshing to go to a theater and feel that your money was actually well spent. Its nice to be REALLY entertained and not feel as though youRead more...
Saving Bond (for another day)
Reviewed Die Another Day
Madonna only had 5 minutes in this one and she still managed to screw it all up! Halle Berry should have had that Oscar yanked right back out of her hands forRead more...
'Two Weeks' is Too Cute!
Reviewed Two Weeks Notice
Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant create a charming tag team of romance and comedy. Bullocks character is wonderfully PC and hilariously trodden upon (but isnRead more...
Robin Cook has me 'Abducted'
Reviewed Abduction - Robin Cook
Im proud of Robin Cook for daring to take his readers through a lesson in sociology, environmentalism, and history. He has cleverly chosen a cross sectiRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on Cousin2's review
Commented on Cousin2's review
you posted a comment on one of my reviews, suggesting that I change it in hopes of gaining your approval. I thought 'Sweet Home' was very cute as well but I didn't have the patience to endure such a looong review...
Commented on jaimohan's review
you almost convinced me that we saw 2 different movies. Even though I have a less optimistic view of this movie, your review almost makes me want to rewatch it... almost. I think too many people write their reviews while still entranced by the product. Give it 'another day' and you'll be over it... Read More...
Commented on own review
Thank you for the welcome, I like to keep my reviews concise so as not to clutter my own opinion.
Commented on hamsikusu's review
Wow! You really summed it up! I am not, nor have I ever been a trekkie. But I went to see this movie with a friend on my birthday and I felt the same way. I would just like to also add that if hollywood wants to sell us another futuristic laser fight, they might want to keep up with technology that Read More...
Rated on hamsikusu's review
Commented on Junkie1's review
I like your review. It's quick, persuasive and doesn't go through any drawn-out plot narratives.
Rated on Junkie1's review
It's very interesting and I think it says alot about a person when they indicate their favorite characters or songs in a movie like this.
Commented on spookaay's review
Although I agree with and support your opinion on this movie, I am reminded of a line from 'The Golden Girls'. Rose tells a long drawn out story... Dorothy (to Rose): How many times do we have to circle the airport, Rose?!? You wanna bring this baby in for a landing? I guess you can tell I just Read More...
Rated on spookaay's review
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