The Phantom of the Opera is by far one of my favorites of all time. Is the movie also one of my favorites of all time? Perhaps!
I literally got goosebumps and cried during the play when the chandelier came crashing down. I had the same effect watching the movie but for different reasons-of course since the theatrics are different by nature (film vs. play). The opening of the movie is very nastalgic for those of us who remember the play and a great flashback and current time effect.
For those who do not know the story, simply this is the ultimate love story between a young girl, her young male love and her benefactor/voice trainer-The Phantom of the Opera. She sings like an angel and the Phantom makes every effort to make her the Diva of the stage. Because of his antics and his hatred for those who snubbed him because of his facial deformity, he has earned a very bad reputation and because he has not been seen by the opera-goers and staff of the opera house, he is The Phantom.
What most amazed me in this rendition is not only the cinematography and music, but the casting of Gerard Butler as the Phantom! Michael Crawford (The Original Phantom)is a very hard act to follow, but Butler plays this role with great aplomb. He actually sings the part as some other characters did not and does it rather well. Again, being a Michael Crawford fan, I was pleasantly surprised with Butler.
By the end of the movie, I felt, as I am sure I was supposed to, that Christine should have chosen to be with him! The real star was the Phantom and Butler made it easy to be sympathetic to his character. Even though I knew what to expect, I was distraught when she chose her true love, Raoul.
One of my favorite parts of the play was when the Phantom sings his final song and then with the wisk of his cape, disappears, leaving only his mask and a rose. In the movie, this was not the ending and it did not seem to matter. I was still devastated that Christine did not choose the Phantom! From her point of view, I can see why, but the movies success depends on the audience being sympathetic to the Phantom, to fall in love with him.
So, for me this movie was every bit as effective and outstanding, less Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman, but I was satisfied and do overall feel that it was a success.
Also noteworthy was Minnie Drivers performance and Carlotta, the Diva of the Opera house. She was every bit as annoying and pompous as I expected her to be-in her roll, that is.
The soundtrack is ok. Again, nothing compares with the original, but I still enjoy listening to it because I have fond memories and it is just different.