It is the master piece by Author Norman Vincent Peale. I am truly influenced by the Authors thoughts. He made complicated things easy for us. The book covers examples that are beautifully illustrated by Author in his book. Dr. Norman Vincent had elaborated his life learnings and lesson in this book "The Power of Positive Thinking". a few days ago I am looking for a book to improve myself at Amazon and I found this book in the best sellers section, what I found about this book is; it is a universally accepted book, millions of copies were sold in the last 20th century and it still increases.
The purpose of this book to give a person encouragement that believes in yourself and you do not need to be defeated by anything. The descriptions of all situations are so good that anyone can read it easily. While reading I found that there are 17 chapters; each one is a life lesson. This book truly motivates me what I learned that is peaceful mind can generate a peaceful result, adaptation of positive thought can remake me, a negative thought is canceling out by flowing of positive thought into my mind. To summarize this book, Author mainly focus on the mind; thoughts in mind of an individual can make him/hers different from other. He also talks about Law of Attraction and how it works. "If you want something in your life, you have to make a picture of the thing in your mind that you want it then analysis it and after analyzing you have to actualize it" this is simplest description of Law of Attraction by the Author.
The author also mentions the power in prayers. There are many things about this book few are tried to give you in this review. This learning from this book which helps me to improve myself. I recommended to my friends and to my family and they really like it.