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Member Since:Jul 21, 2017
180 MS Points
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Low price, less effective Razor
Reviewed Gillette Guard
Gillette is a well-known brand which is known for its product quality. I am using Gillette product for a long time and among all, I do not like the Gillette Read more...
No more Germs !
Reviewed Pepsodent Germi Check
I am reviewing pepsodent toothpaste. It is a good product by Unilever brand. Despite the fact that the toothpaste cleans the teeth completely. You will get Read more...
LTE phone with Pebble shape design
Reviewed LG K7 LTE
LG K7 lite is a good phone with a good specification. I purchased this phone in December 2016. This phone having Advanced 4G LTE with VoLTE& VoWifi, the batteRead more...
Pay and Purchase through Paytm
Reviewed Paytm
We all feel difficulties in carrying money with us but now this problem has been solving since wallet mobile apps introduce to us. There are many wallets mobiRead more...
A platform to search anything
Reviewed Google
I have been using Google as my search engine since I start to use the internet. Google is widely used search engine where we can find any information regardinRead more...
Good opportunity and resources
Reviewed JK Lakshmipat University - Jaipur
Selecting Jk Lakshmiapt Universtiy for my bachelors degree was one of the best decision taken by me. I have experienced and learn lots thing there. The Read more...
India's Best E-Commerce Company
Reviewed Amazon
The shopping trend now has changed in India, I like to give some review about Amazon. A few months ago I am looking for shoes in the market but I couldnRead more...
Success through Positive Thinking
Reviewed The Power Of Positive Thinking - Norman Vincent Peale
It is the master piece by Author Norman Vincent Peale. I am truly influenced by the Authors thoughts. He made complicated things easy for us. The book cRead more...
Holy book for Self-Improvement
Reviewed How To Win Friends And Influence People - Dale Carnegie
This is the one of the great book for SELF-IMPROVEMENT which was written by great writer Dale Carnegie. The book is almost 80 years old. I purchased the book Read more...
Inspiration for youth and leaders
Reviewed Wings of Fire: An Autobiography of APJ Abdul Kalam - Arun Tiwari
I read the book over two times and each time the book gives me same energy level and enthusiasm in the work. The story of Sir Kalam gives me inspiration. I waRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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