The rating related to Salary career growth etc are not relevant, I had to give because while selecting the name RBS, it is coming by default. Please ignore them. It is their role as a bank and NOT as an employer
Please read my pathetic experience with ABN AMRO credit card few years back..
I thought the pain is over as things got closed, but I was not aware that I need to take closure letter from back while closing the account...
Now the ABN AMRO Credit card division is been taken over by Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and they are using this to earn money.
I am receiving calls from RBS mentioning.
The bank owe 3600/- from me and if I dont pay my credit rating at CIBIL will not be spared.
I asked for the charge details , why bank feels that I should pay the money , they said it is an old account and they have no details, but I must pay to save my credit ratings.
Then they said they are OK to settle it for 1200/-, and since it is a small amount I agreed to avoid harassment.
My question is:
Honestly I have not left any payment due to bank, it was a mistake from them which they verbally agreed and closed over phone, now if someone approaches to CIBIL , no documentation is or proof is required ?
Just showing the "fear" of CIBIL , one bank will earn thousands and lacs of rupees and we do not have a way to fight?
Can a say NO to them and request CIBIL instead..or some other way get a justice? I am ready to pay if bank have a proof that I have used the credit card and the amount is really due to them...
Really unhappy with the current corrupted system, I suspect all these private bank pay bribe to these regulatory commissions for such silent support..!
Debjit Chakraborty