Hey ppl
I am a great sucker for cartoons even today I cannot understand why ppl think cartoons are for kids I mean after all its the imagination work of adults rt ???????? cartoons they just get more and more intresting !!!!!!!!!! some are more intresting than movies !!!! (Seriously !!!!)But times evolved cartoons from mickey and (my fav) Donald who looked liked two sticks in black & white background to todays modern action pact ultra high tech animation flicks.....pratically these guys hav done it all 3D effects sound and the list of gizmoes goes on and on........
However I noticed and so would all u cartoon loving ppl that each cartoon has its class or category some are action based while others are just comic but some cartoons go out of their ways to make an impact !!!!!!!!!!! one of them is SIMPSONS !!!!!!!!!
Yes the wierd looking yellow square faced blocks . But dont this attire fool u as it did to me ..actually b4 I never used to take a look even at this series simpsons bcs I thought it was cheap wierd experimental cartoon type thing.....one day (abt 3 yrs back) there were no fresh cartoons on any channel (these cartoon channel ppl hav a habbit of repeating the same episodes again and again !!!!!!!) so I thought give it a shot......that shot ppl was the shot for my life till today I never miss the simpsons on starworld.......its rocking !!!!!!!!!!!
The first thing that attracted me and obviously all u ppl towards this is the wacky comedy...I call it instant comedy..the joke is there for a moment then gone bcs other one just cracked ............. really wacky humour.....second its real true..I mean holmer simpson the man of simpsons family is a big all time loser, a pathetic mess, a couch potato and a pain in neck really fat guy with an IQ which is undefined !!!!!!!!!!!!!! but thats reality I mean how many of us are like spiderman or superman who gtes to fight crime and hav fun with gurls (more than one !!!!!!!)....simpsons is a reallife hitter its truth at its cruelest.........there are some others like sponge bob square pants (1 of my favs !!!!) etc but simpsons has its class its uniqueness...........
Well the episodes are based on a topic and runs around a family of 4
1.Homer simpson (father the man the numero uno ....well not really !!!!!!)
2.Marge simpson ( a caring and loving wacko mum)
3.Bart simpson (the son following the footsepts of his father !!!!!)
4.Lisa simpson (the daughter........like mother like daughter !!!!)
5.Maggie simpson (most sailent of all she is just a kid of 2 or 3 yrs !!!!!))
apart from these main characters there are some fixed characters like lenny, carl etc which add up to the spice........whats more there are other neighbour hood families as well.a typical american social life set up...........
The richness in this cartoons comes from the subject eg once for a rock&Roll episode all super rockstars like mic jagger lenny kravitz etc gave their own voice for their own look alike cartoon characters in the flick !!!!!!!!!!! I really loveeeeee this cartoon series thats all I hav to say..and u will too provided u hear carefully what they say and see what they show everyday............(ofcourse english is a must but its not that heavy english !!!!!!!)......
All in all I will say GO WATCH IT (trust me on this !!!!!!!!)
Thanx for reading plzz give ur f/b comments etc .. I appreciate it !!!!!!!!!!!!!
simpsons rule !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!