Going back through the pages of history.....
Messers Bennett & Coleman was the mouth of the british.
The media was ever powerfull back then as well... freedm fighters were denounced as terrorists by them...
And we still read on.... as now it has conviniently becoem the congress mouthpiece.. while th egandhis quickly became the richest family in india... yeah...richest.. how many hertiage buiidngs have they taken over.. the princely states have been looted.. not going off track her much.. but ... even today the bias.. .. or should I say onesided approach is eminent.. they simply look down upon the rss .. denouncing rightwing institutions as semi terrorsit nri funded organisations wheras ..turning a blind eye to simi. until it was much more visible...
the media has the power to guide the masses... either way... the toi has managed sucessfully to brainwash millions of people into beliving what they call news.
... Th bombay times is a snottish paper ..ignore page 3... its an ego booster for the socially sick.
But the sports coverage is just awesome!!!!!!!!!!
& so is the ascent... ...
.. .. id rather read the asian age or the indian express!!!!!!!