I have been reading The Times Of India, since a tender age. It was first newspaper in India to introduce colors to otherwise black and white reading experience. I read a lot of defaming reviews posted on MS about Times Of India...and I beg to differ, for it actually is nothing as being portrayed by so many people. Many people complain that TOI is biased or does not cover important issues, some go to extent of calling it corrupt, citing that it is the mouthpiece of the corrupt politicians.
I would like to bring the fact into notice, that over the years I have not found one single important topic not reported by TOI. Newspapers are the most accessible of the media options available to us and should have a sense of responsibility because of this. And TOI very religiously complies to this responsibility.
Over the years it has been first to report various Corruption cases and has played a vital role in unveiling the character of many politicians. The Editorials and the other columns by frequent writers are also mind boggling. I like the newspaper for its content, its commendable reporting and coverage, also the layout is very nice.
"Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter."- Thomas Jefferson