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Member Since:Aug 09, 2012
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Awesome: Worth every penny
Reviewed Corseca Bluetooth Headphones
To be frank, I wasnt aware of this brand until it saw it first on snapdeal a few days ago. It looked stylish and the specs promised a nice experience, aRead more...
Easy Care Budget Bluetooth Speakers
Reviewed Soundlogic Collapsible BT Speaker
I admit, I have grown some fondness for Bluetooth devices, for they allow a tangle free experience sans the wires. And a good Bluetooth Speaker can make you bRead more...
Absolutely Delightful
Reviewed Absolute Khushwant - Khushwant Singh and Humra Quraishi
I always wanted to read what Khuswant Singh writes and when I got hold of "Absolute Khuswant" I finished it in one go.It  is a nice book describing the life oRead more...
Bad network coverage
Reviewed Telenor Mobile Operator
I used Uninor for about a month and had to eventually stop, for it was a constant pain. Uninor undoubtedly provides one of the most affordable plans but the cRead more...
Refreshing movie
Reviewed Dev D
I am a avid fan of Abay Deol and have watched all of his movies and a good thing about them is they  are not in the same league as the other Bollywood movies.Read more...
Best English daily.
Reviewed The Times Of India
I have been reading The Times Of India, since a tender age. It was first newspaper in India to introduce colors to otherwise black and white reading experiencRead more...
Best sport to indulge yourself in.
Reviewed Basketball
Basketball for me is a kind of addiction and I can say that I can play basketball in any  physical state. It is the fastest game in the world and requires a lRead more...
Real fashionable.
Reviewed Red Tape Footwear
I have been using Red Tape shoes for a long time approximately 5 years and the best thing that like about them is the design these people come up with. Red TRead more...
Shantaram-There couldn't be another name for this
Reviewed Shantaram - Gregory David Roberts
It was about 2 years ago my friend  had strongly recommended "Shantaram", a book based on a Australian prisoner who broke the prison and sought refuge in BombRead more...
Everything that glitters is not gold.
Reviewed T Mobile Sidekick LX 2009
I bought this phone by looking at its specs and also because of its design.Ordered it from Dealsandyou and the delivery was swift.The phone really looked greaRead more...
A Pilgrimage that everybody should take.
Reviewed Pilgrimage, The - Paulo Coelho
Another awesome book by Paulo Coelho, revealing the good and devilish side of humans. AÂ treat to read ; engages the readers at crucial junctures and a steady Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
Not charging at all, gone dead.
Commented on slightlyDrunk's review
“Some men are coming to kill us, but we're going to kill them first.”
Commented on slightlyDrunk's article
---- Its not me, its the Man himself from the song ''Kyun Hawa'' in Veer Zara..
the man who romanticized bollywood is no more :(
You will never be forgotten, Sir. Can't believe that the Legend is no more. The nostalgia I experienced while watching Veer Zara is lingering around me, such was the Charisma of this great man..A Salute to the King of Romance. Ek din jab savere savere, surmayi se andhere ki chaadar hata ke Ek pa Read More...
Rated on talib_shaikh's review
Rated on Prem1991's review
@shblr92...this one seems like a hot topic...but I’’m not able to understand why people are bent upon telling me what I like,someone’’s saying I’’d like a job in TOI,someone’’s saying that I like the obscene pictures ; when I have explicitly stated what I like about TOI in the review. Dude u need Read More...
@ramu_43.... Its not about patronizing a thing, its about liking a thing and standing besides it. U are elder to me and might have witnessed a lot of things, but I dont understand the reference of Jaichand here,,,''who are the mughals here?''.And I dont praise a thing in order to gain benefit out Read More...
Commented on ars2011's review
@ars2011...where did u get that defination of orkut???? and r u confused b/w ''think'' and ''thing''??
@slightlyDrunk...I don't actually get u dude...it is based on the facts(be it how little a person is aware of) that be builds his perspective on...So if a Fact is wrong the perspective is also wrong..
@ars2011 ..What does Orkut literally mean???
@shadow_walker,@slightlyDrunk......I think the thought expressed in the review is not understood by you.
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