TOI is soon becoming a toilet paper. As a kid I recall being told to read the newspaper and I did; in fact for quite some time I thought it contributed to awareness and improvement in language skills. However over the last 2 decades my views have been changing. I think TOI is a systematic PLOT to ruin the fabric of Indian culture and Indian sensitbilities.
The Times Life, and all supplements carry articles by third rate women like Vinita Nangia and Kalpana Sharma and the likes reel in kinkiness and perversity. There are articles that could make one puke. They claim to be going after the moral police and in the attempt promote and patronize a "w*ore" culture. They portray themselves as modern day writers and the TOI has the audacity to carry articles on "Pole dancing", on "One night stands" and "Extra marital relationships - like the Tiger in the Woods" articles - note each one of thse articles PROMOTES infedility, sympathizes men and women who havimmoral lifestyles and portrays it all as a way of life to the masses who would be reading this filth. Instead of criticizing and condemning social evils that will ruin marital lives, family lives, relationships with kids, ad in general make the man falter professionally too, these women keep on promoting this filth as a "norm" of the modern day soiciety. Who do they think they are? And how can TOI carry such filth except ofcourse because they are PAID pimps of the PROSTITUTES they promote in civil society!
It is getting increasing worrisome to have TOI even at the coffee table - cause it is out to destroy minds and lives of people through trivialization and commoditization of vocabulary rich in vulgarity, perversity and kinkiness. The editor of TOI and the promoters need to look at how this once legendary paper is turning out to be and need to take strong action else the PUBLIUC will!
Mrs Bhalla
Mr Prakash Jha
Mrs Gowrikar
Mrs Khedkar
Mrs Khan
Mr Patel