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Member Since:Sep 05, 2006
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SRK has no originality
Reviewed Shah Rukh Khan
The dialogues you talk of are written by script writers and delivery is directed by directors. On his part, SRK does usually a pretty shoddy job. Only 2 thingRead more...
Worth a watch
Reviewed Karthik Calling Karthik
Caught it last evening. Liked it. Farhan Akhtar looks awesome, very handsome and superb acting. Wonder how much SRK must be paying the media to brand himself Read more...
Why MNK failed with Indian Audiences
Reviewed My Name is Khan
Open Letter to Mr Shahrukh Khan Everyone knows that your movie My name is Khan is a trigger from your recent experience at New Jersey Airport, real life is aRead more...
Phaltu movie
Reviewed 3 Idiots
I became an idiot too by going for that movie. But I had a good excuse - I was escaping some obnoxious guests.... I found the movie pretty mediocre and stupidRead more...
Reviewed The Times Of India
TOI is soon becoming a toilet paper. As a kid I recall being told to read the newspaper and I did; in fact for quite some time I thought it contributed to awaRead more...
Rai & Roshan chemistry
Reviewed Jodhaa Akbar
Yesterday there was a major tiff between some protestors of Jodha Akbar and the cops resulting in a big ruckus in Sangli(Maharashtra). This triggered my temptRead more...
Ban Nishabd; Demand an aplogy
Reviewed Nishabd
We do not wish to see this movie. We wish for it to be banned. The video with Jia Khan and AB is sufficient to conclude this. It makes a quiet and peaceful evRead more...
Insanity Award to Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna
Reviewed Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna
I am still in shock – I saw KANK! I saw this movie last evening. I am still reeling in shock. My left and right brains are in trauma. My heart feels sad; verRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on catscan's article
Preity Zinta is a JOKE U seem out of synch with the world. Preity Zinta's status is no better than Mallika Sherawat. Her ''other activities'' are well known in film industry and elsewhere. Her expertise in seducing men and using them is also well knowm People say she is a dirty male
My list of celebrities crucial to India
Commented on srinicricketlover's review
Well written blog. Its true that these two women have lost their jobs and hence all this noise when they are in the wrong.
Rated on srinicricketlover's review
Commented on angrydude's review
Preity has been making a lot of noise these days - on twitter, in interviews, on loaded videos on utube all 'goddiffying' herself like she is some 'most beautiful Goddess' the world must know about. This woman must be so insecure to keep shouting from rooftops about her being bestest in everything. Read More...
Rated on angrydude's review
Commented on own review
And what is ur mail - a love mail to SRK? If a logical reasoning on why Pakis cannot be loved as a nation is hate mail then so be it. I dont need to lick the feet of SRK like his paid ponies. People sell their souls for a handful of money and project nincompoops as 'Badshah' and 'King' and that does Read More...
Mouthshut.com does not have a category on so called *celebrities* where people can go and write their reviews on these public personalities. Ideally it ought to be there. In the absence of such a category there is no choice but to fit the review on SRK under this movie. More so because the movie was Read More...
Read the farce about the Heathrow airport scanner issue - one more LIE from SRK the liar and duplicist. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Heathrow-denies-SRKs-body-scan-autograph-claim-/articleshow/5568820.cms And read Sharma's comments...thats what intelligence is people!!
And oh only SRK's paid tattoos (ponies) will hit the Not useful button upon reading this. No one else can have as much solidarity with him unless ofcourse he is a BIG FOOL. So I am not in the least surprised. People like Aamir, Shahrukh and Salman thrive because of FOOLS like you.
And BTW these arent my views alone...just do a search on 'Open letter to Shahrukh Khan' and see the internet is full of posts of Arindam Bandopadhyay who is the author of this post. I only produced an abridged and edited version here for your kind information. And YES I do agree 1105 with his views. Read More...
Surely this is not a review on MNK - but it is much beyond. It is a review on the real Khan himself. Why does it make you so antsy? Apke uncle lagte hai? He is minting money for himself. He is not running a factory or giving employment to you fools who cant see the truth of these 2 pence actors. The Read More...
My objection is pretty simple - Why do we grant so much authority to non graduate, arrogant jerks like Aamir or SRK to comment on any and everything? What is their true credibility except being able to monkey around? SRK did not take Paki players in his IPL team citing that there was no slot and the Read More...
Ajeet - On the surface of it - it could appear to be a harmless movie but if you think a bit it is apparent that they are mocking education, education system and also engineers and doctors...and naturally why wont they? These morons get paid in crores for their monkey business and we are the ones wh Read More...
Though a Global citizen, I am an Indian too and a very proud one. Although nowhere in the world are people so "star crazy" as in India. Nowhere in the world are film folks glorified as much as they are in India. Nowhere in the world are they given so much importance or authority to comment Read More...
Thank you. Unfortunately through these publicity mediums they are the ones to be doing the talking and despite not agreeing with that lifestyle the majority is left to be but a 'listening spectator'. It is time more people start boycotting such publications and more companies start withdrawing ads. Read More...
I forgot to mention - I just wrote to that idiot Vinita Nangia for her horrible article on Tiger Woods empathizing his behavior. Posted below is my mail to her The article on Tiger in the Woods like most other articles was atrocious and unpardonable. You are just limping on to get people to not Read More...
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Soha Elbadry (@sohaelbadry25MouthShut Verified Member)
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