The other day, I was cozying up at home reading the latest issue of The-Week(Feb 20th, 2005) in its new style. The new design is aimed at grabbing the attention of the young people, who make up more than half the population of the country today. Going through the magazine I came across the regular feature ?Sexes? a write-up by Shoba De.
The topic of her interest this time is Sania Mirza. The limelight she is enjoying after her entering the top 100 league. The columnist has taken great care in choosing her words. She first congratulated Sania. Then she was very concerned about the little girl?s life.
Then followed a brief view on what she would do if she were her mother. Sania turning eye-candy on the courts, photo-ops. She, falling in the trap of media managers and so on. Finally the words that form the gist of the essay came out.
?She should refocus on the game and forget about preening for paparazzi. It?s tempting to take the line of least resistance and turn yourself into a performing flea for the press.?
If this advice came from Tarun Tejpal, Pranay Roy or any other journo we should feel happy and proud for the concern that came from them. Even, I would have gone forward bought a copy of the magazine and sent it to her.
However, it came from a person that forms the most unnecessary part of the society, the page-3 people that enjoy the same unnecessary focus from the media by giving periodical updates about their parties, which tom and dick missed it, who attended it, what did they do there?
Sorry madam, you were not the right person to write the article. The issues you brought up lost their point, with you writing them.