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New South Wales
Member Since:Jul 29, 2004
0 MS Points
I am a Soft Spoken person who strongly believes that we should fight for what we thought was truth even if the whole world turns against us. The fight is not about winning, but for the values around which we built our lives. I would always like to side with the down trodden. Though I think a small amount of pre planning is necessary, I would like to accept life as it comes. I hate people who want to show off, discriminate the people based on caste, wealth and religion. There are instances of going into depression when I came across such people. I love to spend time with my alter egos. Professional: I am a software engineer in a leading IT Services company in India and am currently based out of kolkata. . Interests: Reading, watching movies, writing browsing, Music. I would be either at work or doing one of the things mentioned above.
About Me
Education: SW Engineer
Review of the Day (0)
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Let's remember those Happy Days
Reviewed Happy Days - Telugu
Sekhar Kammula has done it again. He comes up with a brilliant piece of work. His story of seven friends and their journey through the four years of engineeriRead more...
Hilarious and very much unlike Bollywood!
Reviewed Bheja Fry
Sometimes life springs surprises. Getting through an interview that you never thought you would be able to, passing an examination that you thought it’s just Read more...
A Broader Perspective
Reviewed Reliance Fresh - Hyderabad
History says that when Reliance does something, it does it in a big way that it changes the rules of the game altogether. Going by this word, since the time MRead more...
All Humans are One!
Reviewed Roots - Alex Haley
What can a Book do? At a personal level, it entertains you, keeps you engaged, helps you develop your personality and achieve success. In a broader sense, itRead more...
Bommarillu-Oozing Freshness
Reviewed Bommarillu
What does the viewers look for in a movie to make it a hit? Stars, exotic locations, rich look, voluptuous heroine(s), peppy music. Movie makers concentrate oRead more...
You got to know about this wonderful actor
Reviewed Prakash Raj
A brief description of the’*’ marked words can be seen in the comments. In the year 2003 the National awards committee faced a strange situation.Read more...
A typical multiplex movie
Reviewed Soggadu - Tamil
A trailer that appeared during the interval when I went to the movie ?Sankranthi? made me sit up and take notice. The brief Ad is racy with superb background Read more...
Teja and his team strikes back
Reviewed Avunanna Kadanna
A movie made by a team once known for setting the box office on fire with action packed teen romances, now consistently giving flops. A lead actor who hit theRead more...
Shoba De's writeup on Sania (Feb20 issue)
Reviewed The Week
The other day, I was cozying up at home reading the latest issue of The-Week(Feb 20th, 2005) in its new style. The new design is aimed at grabbing the attentiRead more...
Love your Family
Reviewed Sankranthi
What would you expect in a film that has the rags to riches story of four brothers? Wives of the brothers entering the scene and setting the house on fire, wiRead more...
Reviewed Idlebrain
The people of Andhra Pradesh were great admirers of Cinema. In spite of problems in terms of floods, cyclones and droughts, movies are an important part of thRead more...
Something is amiss!
Reviewed Tips for CAT Preparation
Having read all the reviews on the CAT Exam preparation and strategies, I would like to tell you All of us are not concentrating on the most important thing Read more...
A Class Apart
Reviewed Vijaya Viharam
Have you ever experienced happiness, sorrow, repentance, desire to succeed, anger, killer instinct and fear at a time! Atleast, when reading a magazine? Then Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on trailblazer_sarat's review
Rated on WhirlMind's review
Rated on mbfarookh's review
Followed johny_bravvo
Rated on ajayan's review
Commented on johny_bravvo's review
I see you people praising him,but I actually want to know why he is called a great film maker.it would have been great if u had given a scene or a movie and why it is brilliant.People like me who have never seen his movies would have understood the brilliance of him.can u do that for me.
Commented on seshu_always's review
Hi Seshu! Good to see you expressing yourself. Wish u all the best and happy mouthshutting!
Commented on thakurman's review
I too am irked when she tried to give some suggestions to sania mirza one or two years ago.I vent out my anger in my review of the week in mouthshut,though some people came out against me.
Rated on thakurman's review
Rated on sasi.s's review
Commented on own review
Hi Sasi! thanks for your comment.as you have said it is absolutely refreshing to see such a nice movie among the current crap movies.I am also happy to see people from my home place reading my reviews and commenting on them.
Yes Thakurman! You got to watch the movie. I do not want you to miss the nostalgic feel that you will have after watching the movie. Go ahead and tell me how u felt about it.
Rated on nithi_s's review
Commented on hajara's review
I too observed that some goods are on the verge of expiry.I once bought two icecreams family packs for 100/- and later i came to know that they are going to expire in the coming few days.I also bought soaps under discount from C3 Super market and when i opened it, it has degenerated. It seems we bot Read More...
Commented on rohitthebest's review
Hi why dont u review AMAV venky's latest flick. I heard its quite good. I cannot get hold of that movie here in kolkata as they do not get released here.
Rated on rohitthebest's review
Hi Cool Water! ThankQ! As far as I know, very few people know about this book, in India. If this book can be brought as a reading material at the +2 level, when the students get sufficient maturity level, i am sure it will bring a lot of change in the mindsets of the generation next towards the oppr Read More...
Followed CoolWater
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sourav mukherjee (@johny_bravvoMouthShut Verified Member)
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Akbar Abdi (@TRUEWAYMOVERSMouthShut Verified Member)
Priya Agarwal (@dm2priyaagarwalMouthShut Verified Member)
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Muhammad Saffi Ullah (@chsaffi18MouthShut Verified Member)
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Dummy Test (@DummyTestMouthShut Verified Member)
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akshmehta123361 (@akshmehta123361MouthShut Verified Member)
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pegire4784 (@pegire4784MouthShut Verified Member)
Subhadeep (@suvospaceMouthShut Verified Member)
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Shivkumar Patil (@maxworthMouthShut Verified Member)