Brother can you spare a click? This site allows you donate food just by clicking on a button and without giving a paisa, cent or centime as the case may be. This is how it works. Once you click on the button, you are directed to a page that shows you sponsors of the site. For every click, the sponsors donate 1.1 cups of food to the hungry. You are allowed to click only once a day. I would like to advise you not to try any tricks to enable you to click more than once. This would result in more damage than good. I don’t know much about programming but obviously clicks can be monitored. So, if sponsors detect any unusual activity they would no longer be eager to support this cause. Also please do wait till all the sponsors names are displayed. It’s the right thing to do. (Its irritating but it just takes a few seconds for the sponsors ads to load) The site has two other sections that work on the same principle. One that allows you to donate a free mammogram and one that allows you to preserve 11.4 square feet of endangered rainforest Most of the links on the site lead to ways you can increase your donation. For example, the reminder link allows you to double your donation by receiving an email every weekday. I signed up for this but I unsubscribed because the mails keep piling on when you are not on the net. Another way to increase your giving is by signing up for the various newsletters on the site. You can choose form over ten newsletters and increase your giving by up to 10 cups of food. You can choose all or one. I still do receive two newsletters and they come once in a while.
The Gift Ideas link leads to various items you can buy. The site has The Hungersite T-shirts, caps, teddy bears and some decorative items. Off course when you buy, a part of the proceeds go to charity. You can sign up as a friend of the site with fixed monetary contributions. Based on the amount you donate you will be given a title like Friend, Angel etc. Packages can range from 30 dollars to 450 dollars. Each package comes with a set of benefits and offers. At the time of writing this review each package comes with a years free subscription to Fitness or Wired magazine. There are other benefits as well. The pages are slow to load. I admit I don’t visit this site every time I am online. Either I forget or I just want to finish my other work. I just thought id say this just in case people start thinking Im a noble soul.