The Newspaper Today launched on 01/01/01 as a free service has now gone into the pay mode. Promoted by the India Today Group (Living Media India Ltd.) it matches up to the high standards of the other group publications and makes for superb reading for those who have fast and free Internet Access. Theres so much to read that you need to have a fast access. However, there are some points that I would like to bring to the notice of the Editor.
First of all its not at all interactive. Any mail to the Editor bounces back - presumably their mail box is full and they dont bother to write back. It gives the impression that they are not too concerned about Reader comments. The Readers Letters column has not been updated for the past 10 days at least. This is utterly unacceptable in todays interactive age when one would expect this section to be updated several times a day if not daily. The worst part is that even The Edit Page has not been updated for the last three days. In spite of all this it makes for superb reading and I personally log on to it several times a day from my office to catch up on whats happening. I found its interface has been put together after a lot of thought and you can access all its vast sections from anywhere and without wandering around too much. Its Personalised Edition feature is also good but could be better by offering other sections also to be part of the Personalised Page. Cheers and all the best.