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Member Since:Feb 03, 2001
0 MS Points
Sought early retirement from the Indian Army and now working in the corporate sector as head of of HR and Admin for a MNC Software Company. Reading, Writing, Travel, Photography, Music, Technology, Current Affairs,
About Me
Education: Post Graduate
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VETRO - The Speciality Italian Restaurant
Reviewed India Jones Restaurant - Nariman Point - Mumbai
A few months ago the Oberoi opened their speciaity Italian restaurant - VETRO. An extensive wine library where you can taste various wines before deciding, anRead more...
India's E-Newspaper
Reviewed Thenewspapertoday
The Newspaper Today launched on 01/01/01 as a free service has now gone into the pay mode. Promoted by the India Today Group (Living Media India Ltd.) it matcRead more...
Tehelka - The Aftermath
Reviewed Tehelka
Notwithstanding the fact that the Tehelka journalists have adopted the most unconventional methods to bring out in the open the rampant corruption that has beRead more...
The Indian Army as a National Institution
Reviewed Indian Army
Dear MoutShut Readers, I happen to have the privilege of serving in the Indian Army for 21 years before I decided to opt for early retirement. Before that I Read more...
Reviewed Now ISP
I registered to use NOW ISP after seeing their ad coming out of the woodwork in Bombay. I must confess that the registration process was easy and painless as Read more...
BPL Service
Reviewed BPL 312VX Refrigerator
I purchased this model over four years back and its given be satisfacotry service over this period. However, I was quite disappointed with the service processRead more...
Hareshwar Beach - Facts, some unknown
Reviewed Harihareshwar Beach - Raigad
Most of us may not know that it was somewhere in the proximity of this beach that the RDX used for the Bombay Bomb blasts in 1993 landed. To approach the beacRead more...
On the Way to Murud-Janjira
Reviewed Murud Janjira
Murud Janjira is perhaps an one of a kind of fort. Now with a road coming up from Pune to Kolad on the NH17, its easier for people from there also to visit thRead more...
Kihim Beach - Facts, some unknown
Reviewed Kihim
Kihim is ideally located for Mumbaiites to visit over a week-end or a day off. The quickest way to get there is to take the catamaran from the Gateway of IndiRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on raoul's review
Commented on smarty's review
Dear Friend, Beauty as they say is in the eyes of the beholder. If you have enquired before turning back for Khandala you would have discovered that the boat ferry to the fort does not take off from the beach (which I agree is dirty) but from a place called Rajpuri a further 20 min drive south from Read More...
Commented on sam1's review
I hope you read my review about the Indian Army and have revised your opinion about India's Armed Forces. Take care.
Rated on aalok's review
Commented on own review
They claim to have their private International Gateway. So why should they be dependant on VSNL? I guess they just do not have enough lines. Hope they improve their service fast.
Commented on phani24janu's review
Hi there, I am the head of ShubhYatra. Thank you very much for your generous comments about your complete travel companion. You will be happy to know that MouthShut and ShubhYatra are now partners and you will find the ShubhYatra logo on all the travel pages of MouthShut. Please feel free to s Read More...
Rated on phani24janu's review
Hi Kishore, Nothing's going to change because we the people put up with it and don't protest enough. Lets use this forum to let the government know how much we dislike them and what we think of them. I have known of many people almost losing their lives for nothing more innocent that emba Read More...
Hi Sandra, I agree with you that the beach is dirty. What to do - we are like that only!! Sadly I have learnt to live with dirt so as not to spoil my holidays. Don't get me wrong. I NEVER dirly places like this and always carry my trash home in my car. Most unfortunately if you try and tell s Read More...
Hi Faisal, I am not sure its for sale. Everytime I have been there its been closed. Its location is pretty good and I forgot to mention the small island with a ruined fort that you can see from the road that climbs up to the haveli. Cheers.
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