Some old Gipsy got run over and her supposedly 120 year father with a cancer rotten nose curses the driver, police and the Judge involved in it.
It is very illogical that the wives of these characters immeadiately want to ditch their hubbies and not trying to help them out. It is absurd that William(the one who hit the gipsy) a leading lawyer have no support from anyone and isolated from the society only because he has lost weight
His family doctor is a junkie who has cocaine in his consulting room and use it in front of his patients. Not sure on the relationship he has with his wife. Does he love her or not? He thinks his wifes first blow job in the car had been the root cause of the accident and wants her to suffer as well.
A police officer gets acne from the gipsy curse and he shoots himself . Why not find the gipsy and fix him?
Gypsie curse? No logical story line.
Characters can be described a bit more
A very dissapointing climax.