The year 1962 and the world is on the brink of another nuclear catastrophy. But luckily there are some strong sane men at the helm of the most powerful nation , USA. The two weeks of drama and international political games that ensued has been captured with all details in this narrative.
Kevin Costner stars as Kenney O’Donnell , Special Assistant to the President of US (played by John Mason )and is trusted lieutenant along with JFK, s brother Robert . The other key player is the US Secretary of State Robert Mcnamara. Together these men have to stave off the Soviet build up of missiles in Cuba which could threaten the US borders.The crisis is further complicated by the armed chiefs desire to invade Cuba to redeem their licking in the Bay of Pigs invasion.
The question is will the challenge to the presidents powers and his authority affect the turn of events. Will back door diplomacy and other cat and mouse games played by Khrushchev and JFK prevent WW III or will good sense prevail.
The characters have been essayed with effortless ease by Costner and the rest of the cast some of whom are quite lesser known actors. The screenplay is tight and never strays from the main theme. The scenes of the armed forces are realistic and the emotions involving the patriotism of a young pilot are very subtly handled.
The movie leaves you asking for more of the tough times that the world faced during the height of the cold war era .A lesson to be learnt that war has to be avoided at all costs.
Produced by Costner and directed by Roger Donaldson , this is worth watching for all those who appreciate the historical events that shaped the worlds destiny.