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Member Since:Apr 21, 2001
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keen to explore the world and am forever seeking adventure . as a profession marketing is my passion and love to work on consumer behaviour and advertising. I would rate highly those reviews which are writeen objectively and at the same time with a geniune desire to highlight pros and cons. . I love travelling and reading ,am also a movie buff,Other passions are music ,quizzing and finally the new found pasison of writing reviews.
About Me
Education: MMS, MBA
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Refreshingly geniune service for a change
Reviewed JetLite
Ironically it was the lack of room on one of the Jet airways that made me consider the option of flying Sahara and yes that made me realise two things :that lRead more...
Never underestimate the power of denial
Reviewed American Beauty
I landed outside New Excelscior Theatre in mumbai (glad to see that Mumbai offers the chance to watch some of these wonderful movies as a rerun). I entered tRead more...
A true oasis in the desert...
Reviewed BITS-Pilani
Nothing compares to you ..Dear alma mater, Attention all ye students who want to have a helluva time doing your studies and broadening your horizons at the saRead more...
An unlikely hero!!!
Reviewed Enemy at the Gates
Heroes do not choose their destiny , Destiny chooses them to be one. It is the autumn of 1942 and the inexorable march of the Third Reich continues into the Read more...
A city that never sleeps....amchi mumbai
Reviewed Mumbai
Mumbai the city of dreams for one and all , the land where opportunity beckons , where the common man can aspire and hope to become the quintessential bada aaRead more...
Wondrous and mystic land of nepal
Reviewed Nepal - General
Welcome shaab to nepal , well this would be the greeting reserved for the millions of tourists who converge here in the hope of peace , salvation or sheer advRead more...
Yet another gripping JFK drama
Reviewed Thirteen Days
The year 1962 and the world is on the brink of another nuclear catastrophy. But luckily there are some strong sane men at the helm of the most powerful nationRead more...
Music that is soul stirring .............
Reviewed Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam Songs
This is one of those rare albums in modern day hindi film music that stirs your soul time and again and makes you feel like falling into timeless and eternal Read more...
Value for money week after week
Reviewed Business World
There is nothing that can be better for the consumer than prices dropping on account of competition and attacking pricing strategies. This magazine which is Read more...
The most watched peep show on Earth
Reviewed Baywatch
This is undeniably the most watched peep show on earth fulfilling every mans voyeuristic fantasies and for the women I am less qualified to speak for. Read more...
Converge here all ye job seekers
Reviewed Naukri.com
While the pall of recessionary gloom hangs on our heads we all at some point of time who are professionals end up visiting some of the job sites to acertain wRead more...
India's best Management Institute
Reviewed Hindustan Unilever Limited
I have had a love hate relationship with the company the details of which I am not dwelving into but yes I have had the opportunity to observe closely this juRead more...
Bald hillsides and noisy families galore
Reviewed Lonavala
This is one hill-station oops sorry this cannot be even called one, is one which is noting but a getaway for the holiday seekers of mumbai and since they haveRead more...
Crouching acting and hidden plot
Reviewed Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Well this amply demonstrates the power of hype and the mystery of the unknown but the moment the veil lifts off that is when people see that the emperor is acRead more...
Evenings i look forward to spending time with ''f
Reviewed Friends
First of all ,this is one show that has made me realise that young people of the world are very alike and I have spend many an evening in the comfort of my coRead more...
A mix of quaint old world charm and hustle bustl
Reviewed Darjeeling
This is one place which has retained most of its old world charm and is still a great getaway but in one of the offseasons.Surrounded by the majestic himalayaRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on teena_sri's review
while people say that leave your thinking caps behind when watching a bollywood flick, what amazes me is the paens that are sung in the names of such movies , some even going to the extent to raving about performances and characters.all i can say is that it is absolute hogwash and such movies ought Read More...
Rated on teena_sri's review
Rated on iloveliverpool's review
Followed who_i_am
Rated on ruchika_sri's review
Rated on sharad516's review
Commented on asyis's review
So while i appreciate your highlighting certain quality issues , they are i feel being blown out of proportion.The dowload speeds as i surf now is 3 secs at Dishnet cyber cafe in mumbai and as relates to page design , changes to suit the consumer appeal has to be undertaken at various satges during Read More...
Again the baazee bashing goes on unabated and people are finding baazee to be the provider of of martyrdom to those intrepid reviewers...again it smacks of unbridled maligning. you have raised issues about auction listings having quality problems , well it is a person to person site and people are Read More...
Rated on captmehta's review
Rated on mangesh_shah's review
Rated on CoolChick's review
Commented on theDUDE's review
bang on target when u mentioned that it is meant for those who love to go into spasms of giggles in the movie hall (i did notice in blore the peals of laughter from the PYTs).. eminently forgettable movie , bullock is however a fine actress and should not waste her talents in such flicks. adio Read More...
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Rated on Cindy's review
Rated on roman50's review
Rated on asyis's review
Rated on mujahid's review
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