Can mediocre movies become commercial hits? Yes, if the director is able to provide the right elements that most of the audience needs in that particular season when he releases the movie.”Thiruda Thirudi” proves this point.
Dhanush is a carefree guy who is not interested in studies. Chaya is introduced as career oriented who comes from a Telugu orthodox family.They meet accidentally.It so happens that Chaya gets into an accident and Dhanush admits her to the hospital.Chaya thinks that he is the sole reason for her getting into this accident.So she fights with him.She also becomes a reason for the relationship between Dhanush and Dhanush’s father getting sour.Dhanush leaves his town and goes to Madras in order to prove to his father that he has potential to become successful in life. Chaya also get a job in Chennai and lands up in the same apartment complex , Dhanush is staying, without her knowledge.The rest of the story deals with how they fall in love, how they realize that they are in love and how they end up together.In the end , Dhanush’s father also realizes that he had a wrong opinion about his son and his son is capable of doing good in life.
Dhanush and Chaya have done justice to the roles they have been given.But there are so many things in the movie that prevents it from being a good movie.The songs are very mediocre and it is obvious from the crude lyrics and dance steps that the director is trying to make the frontbenchers happy.The Manmatha Rasa song seems to attract the crowd.I did see many people leaving the theatre after the song.The character of the flat owner’s daughter who tries to seduce Dhanush whenever she sees him is downright cheap and the song with Dhanush and her in the Annual Get Together for the apartment complex (!!) is unwarranted. It is very clear from these things that the intention of the director was to just make a movie that is a commercial hit.As long as it has a dappanguthu song and some crude jokes that cater to the front benchers, he must have thought that the film would be a hit.Thus, even though the film had its moments and some sharp dialogues, it is veiled by the elements that cater to the front benchers.Sadly(!), his calculations proved right and this movie is a commercial hit. Thus even though it is a very mediocre movie, this movie is a commercial hit because it came at the right time (after “Thulluvadho Ilamai” and “Kadhal Konden” which were big hits for Dhanush ) and the front bencher elements mentioned above.
So, if you are really bored and ready to see any movie just for the sake of seeing a movie, do watch this movie.Otherwise, I wouldn’t recommend this movie.If you are planning to watch this movie because u like the Manmatha Rasa song, my opinion is this :why waste 40 Rs for a single song when you can watch in the satellite channels!!.
Note: Why is this movie called Thiruda Thirudi ?! Only the director knows..