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Member Since:Oct 20, 2003
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Reviewed Dogville
Dogville is an experimental film which could have been a masterpiece, if it had been handled properly. Unfortunately, it turns out to be a three hour exerciseRead more...
You're not the contents of your wallet!
Reviewed Fight Club (1999)
?Youre not your job. Youre not how much money you have in the bank. Youre not the car you drive. Youre not the contents of your walletRead more...
Amazing Film!
Reviewed The Last Wave
The memory of the cataclysms was erased, not because of lack of written traditions, but because of some characteristic process that later caused entire nationRead more...
A dream within a dream...
Reviewed Picnic at Hanging Rock
“Yet if hope has flown away In a night, or in a day, In a vision, or in none, Is it therefore the less gone? All that we see or seem Is but a dreamRead more...
Classic !!!
Reviewed A Clockwork Orange
“What does God want? Does God want goodness or the choice of goodness? Is a man who chooses the bad perhaps in some way better than a man who has the goRead more...
Falling in love is like being struck by lightning
Reviewed Minnale Songs
“Falling in love is like being struck by lightning. You can no more make it strike you than you can avoid it. --Indy (Sean Patrick Flannery) Young IndiRead more...
This album ''arrests'' your ears...
Reviewed Kangalal Kaidhi Sei - Music Songs
There are more love songs than anything else. If songs could make you does something wed all love one another. Frank Zappa I cannot say whether the diRead more...
What is Love??
Reviewed Love Actually
SPOILERS AHEAD “ I cant do the talk like the talk on the tv And I cant do a love song like the way its meant to be I cant do everytRead more...
The Raja of Melody
Reviewed Ten Best Songs of Illayaraja
Selecting the ten best songs of Ilayaraja is akin to finding a needle in a haystack. The list below is the ten best songs in my opinion! Comments welcome! 1.Read more...
Inspired from Serendipity??
Reviewed Jay Jay
When Love Feels Like Magic, Its called Destiny. When Destiny Has A Sense of Humor, its Called Serendipity. From the movie “Serendipity” InRead more...
The Art of War
Reviewed Master and Commander
The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike at him as hard as you can and as often as you can, and keRead more...
Strain !?
Reviewed The Human Stain
Note: For those who have already read and rated the Human Stain review,please re-rate as the previous review has been deleted along wiRead more...
Reviewed Gothika
Im not gonna hurt you. Wendy, darling, light of my life, Im not gonna hurt you. You didnt let me finish my sentence. I said, IRead more...
Pithamagan -- Is it a good movie??
Reviewed Pithamagan - Tamil
If I made Cinderella, the audience would be looking out for a body in the coach. – Alfred Hitchcock Even before seeing this fiRead more...
Vedanta in Baba
Reviewed Baba - Telugu
“aham atma gudakesa sarvabutasayasthith aham adis ca madhyam ca bhutanam anta eva ca” (I, O Conqueror of sleep (Arjuna) am the self seated in thRead more...
I am 20 ..you are 18 !?
Reviewed Enakku 20 Unakku 18 Songs
If I say I have a favourite that will mean I am satisfied with my work and once a person begins to feel satisfied with his work he will grow complacent and neRead more...
Bob and Charlotte in Japan
Reviewed Lost in Translation
“People think if you get to be eighty, youre old, youre sad. But when youre eighty, you know how to act eighty. You also know how to aRead more...
Neo's search for Truth.
Reviewed Matrix Revolutions
SPOILERS AHEAD Karma is the eternal assertion of human freedom... Our thoughts, our words, and deeds are the threads of the net which we throw around ourselRead more...
Man is a creature of circumstances..
Reviewed Kadhal Konden
“I’ve got a peculiar weakness for criminals and artists –neither takes life as it is .Any tragic story has to be in conflict with things as Read more...
Mani 's Iruvar
Reviewed Iruvar
Marudur Gopalamenon Ramachandran ,better known as MGR greatly influenced the Tamil Film Industry in 1960s and 1970s when he became a popular hero and TN politRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on shivbits's review
well, it was an excellent review..While you have listed (almost) all the positive aspects, I am wondering whether there are any negatives !? I didnt see any in ur review!
Coming back to the film, I wouldnt say that 'Shankar’s route is sort of inevitable....' . A good director is NOT scared of the public. 'Thiruda Thiruda' , which is an out and out fun film was a huge failure. But that didnt prevent ManiRathnam from making 'Kannath Read More...
Regarding the film 'Boys', many critics have blasted it.. I would like to remind you of the AV (Ananda Vikatan ) review on 'Boys' . Just one word ..'Chee' Shankar mentioned this in an interview later with the same magazine .. Yes..Boys had some debatable scenes . Whether Read More...
Rated on shivbits's review
Commented on sureshmehcnit's review
Woow! amazing review..It was very sincere too . Keep writing
I liked the movie for its presentation. But as u had mentioned in the review, there are lots of similar situations. It is NOT original at all.. It might be because he wanted to play safe after 'Boys' which turned out to be a disaster... He has shown that he is an expert in making commercial masala m Read More...
Commented on j_jayashri's review
' The BIG Q: Can’t we all be complete by ourselves? ' This question i suppose has no answer..Life teaches us that we are already 'complete' ..If we assume that we are incomplete and we need somebody to 'complete',then only God can save us! Awesome review btw!!! Keep writing an Read More...
Commented on reavan's review
/' One Man Show in No Man’s Land' title seems very apt
The movie was good, no doubt... It had some really good messages..But then, there were too many issues that he tried to cover in this movie.. Any movie is just 2-3 hours long.. It is very difficult to bring to attention ALL the issues in a very short period of time. He could have given importa Read More...
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Rated on dwingramki's review
Rated on nirvana_now's review
Rated on scratchit's review
Rated on goldbergvariations's review
Rated on bimalmehta's review
Rated on cheen's review
Rated on gurusmaran's review
Rated on keerti_007's review
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