Those who have already gone through this or those who are deciding to get new connection from Tikona or using tikona and want to get the connection removed. Please read below carefully.
1) Its not easy to get the tikona connection removed / deactivation of account.
2) Most of the time even after you request for the account deactivation or even after your account is terminated or further ahead even after removing wifi router / connection from your home, Tikona keeps sending bills
3) They take 45 working days to deactivate your account, meanwhile if your account is due to renewal, they do it themselves without your consent.
4) They follow this regular malpractice of AUTO RENEW your account once its expired. (as per your last working plan - monthly or quarterly etc)
5) Even if you are not using the broadband they insist you to pay the outstanding amount and if you dont pay they hire recovery agent / send threat via email / phone calls, even intimate you about a fake court case they lodged in Delhi court.
I have seen no of users posting the same thing, here at mouthshut and many other forums like, etc. Many users are still struggling for resolution or settlement. I used tikona for 1 and a half month and after I realised I was cheated, I decided to get the connection removed.
Accordingly I asked for deactivation and amount refund. After so many phone calls and repeated emails, finally after almost 1 month, my account was deactivated. Afterwards when I saw my account details online, it was still showing active. Upon asking once again, I was told that since the wifi router had not been collected from my home, it would show active status. Only after the collection, they would do final settlement. I had taken quarterly plan and my renewal was due this 25th Aug, 2012.
Meanwhile, I came across mouthshut and other sites, by which I came to know that tikona is notorious for auto renewing your account and charging you exorbitant amount, as I stated above.
I panicked and start sending emails to customer care for NOT Renewing my account. I was only receiving AUTO replies with "we have received your email, we will contact you in 48 hours... blah blah". I tried to contact customer care also, they told the same thing that account will only show deactivated when the apparatus would be collected (nobody was coming for last 1 month to collect the same)
Finally, I did following, and I got confirmation reply very next day. You can do the same.
1) you need 2 phone handsets, first your registered no and second any phone with voice recorder facility
2) call customer care, put on speaker and start voice recording in the 2nd phone.
3) talk to customer care in calm voice, without him/her knowing that you are recording the conversation
4) Ask them for deactivation / NOT auto-renew your account / refund if any
5) While talking let them say everything if not ask them to say following by means of formal request or use your own skill ( careful not to reveal them about recording ) a) his full name b) day/date of conversation c) confirmation that you are requesting for deactivation on this date d) let them say that they would not auto renew your account and if they do, you will not have to pay and just ignore it e) let them say the exact refund amount and by what time you would get the same f) Any other dispute which you have,
All the above thing they say over the phone, but they never give anything in written or by means of any other means. They never do what they say.
6) Lastly say that you have recorded this conversation and would be used in case of dispute.
Download your recording ( it shouldnt be more than 2-3 mb if its in .amr or m4v format ) and send them with the attachment, asking for acknowledgement. Without this, I had sent atleast 10 emails to customer care, for which I didnt get a single reply. After attaching this recorded conversation, and writing everything in email, I got phone call on the same day and got email reply from them the 2nd day, menitoning deactivation date, refund amount, NOT auto renewing my account etc.
Please note that I am yet to receive the refund. Also I am waiting for 25 Aug, 2012. But now I have written and recorded proof. I will update the same if there is any progress. Meanwhile, you could use this method to atleast be prepared for counter attack
Thanks & Best Regards,