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Member Since:Aug 17, 2012
0 MS Points
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Guide to get your Tikona Connection Removed.
Reviewed Tikona WiBro
Those who have already gone through this or those who are deciding to get new connection from Tikona or using tikona and want to get the connection removed. PRead more...
Guide to get your Connection Removed.
Reviewed ABC Broadband
Dear Friends, Those who have already gone through this or those who are deciding to get new conenction from ABC Broadband or using ABC Broadband and want to Read more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Commented on FarhanSheik642's review
hahaha FAKE FAKE FAKE typical fake review from tikona employee
Rated on FarhanSheik642's review
Commented on hegdekaran1's review
so this is a FAKE review... I wonder why ??? FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE
Commented on shetty07672's review
as expected, there is no response from the reviewer. it means that its 100% fake review, posted by tikona employee. Wake up customers
hehehe... Typical FAKE review by Tikona employee. Aree yaar kuch to naya likho, FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE If you dare, reply here.
Rated on shetty07672's review
Commented on lemorian's review
Dear Mr. Shankar, Sorry to say you this, but this is just a beginning of your worst nightmare. If you want to get rid of Tikona, pls read my review here on 'how to get your tikona connection removed'. Act fast and as per my review or else be ready to shell out big money.. If you need more clarif Read More...
Commented on Karan_08's review
hahaha.. Yaar fake review likhna hai to likho, par thodi to mehnat karo Mr. Tikona Employee !!! after every 10-15 totally genuine reviews ( which are always 1 star ), a very well placed 5 star review pops up.. If you work harder on the service you provide, people may actually write good reviews Read More...
Rated on lemorian's review
Rated on Karan_08's review
Rated on prithvipd's review
Rated on monikasood9's review
Commented on Krushpa's review
Pathetic and false review about Tikona from Tikona employee Stop doing this Tikona. Everybody knows you are a cheater Stop posting false reviews
Commented on own review
Just to let you know that I have received the refund amount of Rs. 293/- using above trick. I advise all of you to use the same and get your valuable money from Tikona Thanks / Regards,
Rated on sri35's review
Commented on Sandeep001's review
Welcome to the ''Tikona Hate Club'' :)
Rated on Sandeep001's review
Rated on cadheeraj's review
Commented on vinaykumarm's review
Sorry to hear this... But if your connection is not yet removed or your account is not yet deactivated, i would advise you to get it done ASAP, or else you will keep getting auto renewal bills. I Have faced this already. I advise you to hurry. Best of luck
Rated on vinaykumarm's review
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