From august 2011 I have been contacting the customer care to disconnect my account( id -1100313658). I have called the toll free number and have sent so many emails but these useless people keep taking my request again and again but dont do anything about it. Even if they offer anyone a free connection, I beg you not to take it. I have not been using the connection since August 2011.
To: Vaswani, Rajesh(GO IN Application Management)
Subject: RE: Suspended Connection
Dear Mr. Vaswani,
Greetings from Tikona!
This has reference to your below mentioned complaint.We regret the inconvenience caused to you.
Further to phone call to you by Mr. Shukla, we would like to inform that the disconnection request
has been forwarded to the concerned department for necessary action.
In case of any further assistance, please call us at 1800 20 94276(1800 20 WIBRO) or email us at
Thanking you and assuring you of our best services,
Priyesh Shukla
From: Vaswani, Rajesh(GO IN Application Management) []
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 7:45 PM
To: customtakeoutercare
Subject: RE: Suspended Connection
Can you please close this connection and send me confirmation on the same.
Rajesh Vaswani
Finally a response from tikona
"Please note your disconnection reference number # 1-2304303992."
Lets see how long they take to disconnect.
Communication stopped from Tikona
Looks like this matter will be dragged and I will have to start a fresh request or should I say start begging them to close my account.
Today 04/06/2012 again I receive a bill of 400/- odd
next thing im going to sue these people
today 22/7/2012- I still get calls from the customtakeouter service that My a/c is still active and there is an outstanding amount I have to pay, when I have already surrendered the modem and completed all formalities. we are being harassed, tortured. Can someone put an end to this? Surrendered the modem a month back after begging them for more than a year to collect it.
Have been in constant touch with the Appellate Authority : Mr. Sunil Nair
Designation - Head - customtakeouter Service Quality, via email.but even he is stopped replying to my mails and has failed to take an action.