When I was younger I had a lot more time and energy and played tennis, volleyball, ran track and so on so was in fit condition. Over the years time was lacking, and the body groaned at trying to exercize.
If it has been a long time since you have exercized you will need to start very slowly. If you jump in and do too much your whole body is going to ache the next day and cause you to not be able to do it again unless you want to increase the pain. If your one that wants to keep on hurting you can keep going and sooner or later it wont hurt anymore but in the mean time you could damage muscles that have not been used in years.
As for myself I am not a fan of pain and I do need to get to exercizing as I have gotten very out of shape. It has been nearly 15 years since any form of heavy exercize has taken place.So I too have to start slowly.
Also exercize can be boring so you will want to try and make it fun cus if its fun you will keep doing it.
Walking is great exercize. Start out by walking slowly. While your out there make sure you have on comfortable clothes and more so comfortable shoes. Take along a walkman and listen to some music, or take your cell phone and call some friends you have been meaning to call. You can also enjoy the scenery, clear your mind of what you have to do that day and just enjoy yourself. You may even get a friend to join you. Myself I prefer to walk alone with just some music and enjoy the scenery.
The best time to me to go walking is first thing in the morning. Grab some old clothes and off you go. It is the quiet time of the day and less traffic.
When you return hop in the shower or tub and get totally refreshed and your day will start off on a good note.
Like music? Turn some on and dance. Dancing is great exercize and it is fun. I used to go out dancing 3 nights a week and stayed very slim. But you can dance at home just the same. Either with a favorite fast tape or something like Richard Simmons sweating to the oldies. You may not at first keep up with the fast pace but just do what you can do.
A stationery bike can be fun. Place it in front of the tv and watch a show or even a movie as you lengthen your time out. I recommend starting with 15 minutes a day on this one for a few weeks and then increase to half an hour. This should be done every day or at least 5 days a week.
Think of walking to the store or work rather than take your car if you live close enough.
These are the 3 simplest exercizes that I can think of and they are not that time consuming. You will want to work up to 1 hour a day but you can split that into 2 or 3 different things all during that hour or you can exercize twice a day for half an hour depending on your schedule but it is important to take time for yourself and do these things.