Everybody knows that fuel prices are going like a rocket now. So I wish to discuss something about fuel additives and its different sides.
In many countries, people are using this fuel additives in their vehicles many of them telling that they are getting better mileage and engine runs smooth.The theory they are telling is additives will burn your fuel more efficiently and it will give you good fuel efficiency .(Some studies already proved that we are getting only 40% of energy from fuels, when using it on vehicles with the help of fuel additives we can increase fuel efficiency). Using the additives, we can increase mileage by 15 - 20%.The main advantage is that it will reduce the Co2 emissions from your engines.
Earlier I used one Diesel vehicle, some of my friends told me to try Reliance diesel and I tried it for about 6 months. Its a fuel added with additives and it increased the performance and mileage. But later they increased the price so not that much advantage so I switched over to regular fuel.
Whether it is harmful to engine or not?
Whether Vehicle Manufacturers are prescribing these type of products?
In long term use what will be the results?
I would like to test it in my car . So If any body already familiar and used these product please tell me your experience with fuel additives.